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Знатоки англицизмов

Quiz by stella

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14 questions
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  • Q1
    This word consists of two words. The first one is the opposite to the word "alive", the second word means a group of people arranged in a row. Whole word means a time or day by which something must be done.
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  • Q2
    This word consists of two words. The first one means to give food to somebody, the second one means the part of body from neck to hips. The whole word means reaction to someone else's work or product .
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  • Q3
    It consists of two words . The first one means to stop emails, text messages, phone calls, etc. The second word means a model of the head and shoulders of a person. The whole word means a book or film that is very successful.
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  • Q4
    It consists of two words. The first one is an adjective and means the most important person. The second word means live video. The whole word means beliefs or behaviour that common and shared by most people
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  • Q5
    It consists of two words. The first one means the whole physical structure that forms a person or animal. The second world means to protect someone or something from being attacked or stolen.
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  • Q6
    It consists of two words. The first one means a sudden bright light that quickly disappears. The second world means the part of body from neck to hips. The whole world means a sudden, clear memory of a past event or time, usually one that was bad.
  • Q7
    an expression on someone's face that does not show what they are thinking or feeling.
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    poker face
  • Q8
    It consists of two words. The first one means costing nothing. The second word is a synonym for fashion. The whole word means rap improvisation.
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  • Q9
    It consists of two simple words. The first one means not operating because of not being switched on, the second one is a synonym for queue. The whole word means it is not connected to the internet.
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  • Q10
    It consists of two simple words. The first one means a metal container with a handle that is used for cooking food in. The second word means a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs mixed together and baked.
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  • Q11
    It consists of two words. The first one means something that you hear. The second one is a synonym for a song. The whole word means the music used in a film.
  • Q12
    It consists of two words. The first one means to produce liquid through your skin because you are hot or nervous. The second one means a piece of clothing worn on the top part of the body. The whole word means hoodie without a hood.
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  • Q13
    It consists of two words. The first one is a verb that means to put clothes on yourself or someone else. The second one means set of numbers.The whole word means a set of rules about clothing and appearance in a school or place of work.
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  • Q14
    It consists of two simple words. The first one means to go from one side of something to the other side. The second one means a group of letters or sounds that mean something. The whole word means a game in which you write words which are the answers to questions in a pattern of black and white squares.

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