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딥러닝 0627

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    relate (v.)
    to give an account of; to tell the story of/~을 말하다, ~을 진술하다, ~을 이야기 하다
    to make extremely angry/화나게 하다
    immoral or grossly unfair behavior./부도덕, 부정
    in the nature of something; intrinsic/타고난, 고유의
  • Q2
    apogee (n.)
    belligerent, chauvinistic patriotism; warmongering/강경, 주전주의, 전쟁 선동주의
    the most distant point in the orbit of the moon or of an artificial satellite/[달, 인공위성 따위가 궤도상에서 지구와 가장 멀어지는 지점] 최고점, 원지점
    constant; lasting a long time; inveterate/만성의, 오래 지속되는
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in similar circumstances/전례
  • Q3
    inventive (adj.)
    having the ability to create or design new things/창의적인
    relating to or consisting of money./재정적인, 돈의
    a mystery, puzzling person or thing/수수께끼, 알 수 없는 것
    having narrow, illiberal perspectives/편협한
  • Q4
    impecunious (adj.)
    showing great care, attention, and effort/근면한
    having little money; penniless/돈이 거의 없는, 무일푼의
    clarity of expression; intelligibility./명료함, 명백함
    self-satisfied; overly pleased with oneself; contented to a fault/자기 만족의, 은근한, 마음에 흡족한
  • Q5
    overture (n.)
    whim; unpredictable action; wild notion/엉뚱한 짓; 예측할 수 없는 행동; 황당한 생각
    relating to meaning in language/의미론적
    to repeatedly change your opinions or desires/흔들리다
    opening move; preliminary offer/서곡, 전주곡; 신청, 제안, 교섭 개시
  • Q6
    deflect (v.)
    a person's face or facial expressio (n.)/얼굴, 표정
    to hit something and suddenly change direction/빗나가다
    occurring at irregular intervals; scattered or isolated/때때로 일어나는
    to carry out a systematic or formal inquiry/조사하다
  • Q7
    wrath (n.)
    deep anger; fury/분노, 격노
    1. loose 2. not strict enough/1. 헐렁한 2. 느스한
    a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will/원한
    to speak, plead, or argue in favour of; to push for something/지지하다, 옹호하다, (~를 하자고) 주장하다
  • Q8
    exult (v.)
    to harass; to annoy/[남]을 괴롭히다, 고통을 주다; 약탈하다, 침략하다.
    to humiliate/억제하다, 극복하다, 굴욕감을 주다, 분하게 하다
    large; extensive; having great volume/부피가 크고 넓은; 많은; 큰, 다작의
    to rejoice/기뻐하다, 환희를 느끼다
  • Q9
    diminish (v.)
    intense dislike, open disrespect/모독, 증오
    to make less or cause to appear less/줄이다
    to influence or persuade to do something by talking in a gentle/구슬리다
    likely to happen or be true/있음직한
  • Q10
    undue (adj.)
    showing love, particularly sexual/연애의, 사랑의
    excessive or unwarranted/지나친, 과도한
    to express clearly/잘 설명하다, 잘 말하다
    slim, narrow, or little in quantity/얇은, 날씬한; 부족한, 불충분한, 제한된
  • Q11
    vitality (n.)
    antagonistic, unfavorable, dangerous/불리한, 반대의
    pursuit of pleasure and self-indulgence/쾌락주의
    insisting on immediate attention or obedience, often in an abrupt and dismissive manner/단호한
    the state of being strong and active/활력
  • Q12
    laudatory (adj.)
    extremely poor/극빈한
    expressing admiration or praise/칭찬의, 찬양의
    to narrate; to give an account of; to tell a story about/~를 이야기 해주다
    the quality of being clever, original, and inventive/독창성
  • Q13
    convoluted (adj.)
    not deserving/자격이 없는
    extremely unpleasant; repulsive./혐오스러운, 몹시 싫은
    complex, intricate/복잡한
    to earn revenue from (something)/수익화하다
  • Q14
    pejorative (adj.)
    to call forth; to stimulate/~을 불러오다; ~을 자극하다
    native; dating back to the very beginning/원주민, 원시의
    expressing contempt or disapproval/경멸적인[비난투의]
    the quality of being closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand/관련성
  • Q15
    agile (adj.)
    quick, smart, and clever/민첩한
    showing no care or concern; having no preference on the matter/무심한, ~중에 선호하는 것이 없는
    detected by senses; appearing as such but not necessarily so/인식된
    convincing, logical/설득력 있는

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