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딥러닝 0725

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    oblique (old English) (adj.)
    to overstate, magnify/과장하다
    to make amendments to; set straight or right; to make better/~을 개정하다
    depraved or wicked behavior or character./부정행위, 비열
    slanting/비스듬한, 기울어진
  • Q2
    legitimize (v.)
    to esteem lightly; assign too low a value to; lose in value/~을 과소평가하다, ~을 저평가하다
    to make legitimate or lawful/합법화하다
    to improve/개선하다
    sluggish; without energy or enthusiasm/마음 내키지 않는; 활기 없는, 기운 없는
  • Q3
    exponential (adj.)
    to engross; to hold firmly/1. [눈, 주의]를 집중하다 2. 단단히 고정하다
    effortlessness; quality of doing something well easily/(무언가를 쉽게하는) 능력
    increasing rapidly, growing exponentially/기하급수적인
    having opposite extremes or characteristics/극의
  • Q4
    abnegation (n.)
    renounce or reject something/자제, 거부
    sly, clever at being deceitful/교활한, 간사한
    a collection of animals/동물들의 모음
    (of a person's face) pale, typically because of poor health./창백한, 창피한
  • Q5
    taint (n.)
    to fix firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass/삽입하다
    contaminant; a trace of something spoiled, contaminated, off-flavor, or otherwise offensive/더러움, 얼룩, 오점; 부패, 타락; 감염력
    not extreme or harsh; at a reasonable level or degree/지나치거나 심한 수준이 아닌; 적당한 수준의
    to evoke a strong emotional response or similarity/공감하다
  • Q6
    ignominy (n.)
    to portend; to foreshadow; to forecast or predict/...을 예감하다, 예언하다
    deep disgrace/모욕, 불명예, 수치스러운 행위, 추행
    obviously, evidently, perceived easily/당연히, 명백히
    not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily/말이 없는
  • Q7
    allusion (n.)
    a scheme to gain an advantage; a ploy/(행동이나 거래 따위의) 시작, 전략
    an indirect reference to something or someone/암시
    strongly reminiscent or suggestive of something/(향기가) 가득한
    injurious to physical or mental health/유해한, 유독한
  • Q8
    yore (old English) (n.)
    to add or attach/부가하다, 첨가하다
    of long ago or former times (used in nostalgic or mock-nostalgic recollection)./옛날, 옛 시절
    to strive/노력하다
    inclination or disposition towards something/성향
  • Q9
    dismal (adj.)
    extraordinarily large or great/엄청난
    to show or confirm to be right or true, to check if something is true/~을 확인하다, ~을 인증하다
    impressive or grand in appearance/인상적인
    dreary; causing gloom; causing dread/음산한, 오싹한
  • Q10
    purblind (adj.)
    dim-sighted; practically blind; lacking understanding or imagination/반소경의, 눈이 침침한, 우둔한, 둔감한
    contaminant; a trace of something spoiled, contaminated, off-flavor, or otherwise offensive/더러움, 얼룩, 오점; 부패, 타락; 감염력
    grimly mocking or cynical/비꼬는
    to berate/혹평하다, 비난하다
  • Q11
    pallid (old English) (adj.)
    violation; infringement; the breaking of a law/위반, 침해, 법을 어기는 것
    (of a person's face) pale, typically because of poor health./창백한, 창피한
    to create; to come up with/~을 만들어내다
    a magical-seeming ability to attract followers or inspire loyalty/재능, 권능; 권위, 비상한 매력.
  • Q12
    lout (n.)
    a sudden, violent outburst; a severe attack/발작, 격발
    boor; oaf; clod/버릇없는 사람, 시골 뜨기; 얼간이
    to emphasize or highlight/강조하다
    everyday speech; slang; idiom/구어
  • Q13
    afflicted (adj.)
    surpassing a common or expected level; excellent/우수한
    clearly true, obvious/명백한
    grievously affected, usually by disease or an otherwise negative condition/~에 괴로워하는; 괴로움을 겪는
    to cause to move forward with force; give an incentive for action/~을 몰고 가다; ~를 (앞으로 가도록) 밀다
  • Q14
    volition (n.)
    to stop/~을 중단하다
    the power of using one's will/의지
    sacred or religious writings/성서
    perhaps/혹시, 어쩌면
  • Q15
    allegiance (n.)
    extreme vigor, energy, enthusiasm/열정, 열망
    loyalty/충성, 충의, 충실, [일에 대한] 전념
    resistant, stubborn, impatient/성급한, 고집 센, 참을성 없는
    overly dramatic; theatrical/과장된; 연극적인

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