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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    procure (v.)
    a tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged/관성
    to express criticism towards; to admonish/~를 비판하다; ~를 혼내다
    blessed with a good situation, rights, or riches; in an advantageous state/특권이 있는, 매우 유리한 위치에 있는
    to obtain, acquire/획득하다, 얻다
  • Q2
    unmitigated (adj.)
    coarse food for livestock; raw material/[가축의] 먹이, 사료; 원재료, 원료
    essentially, basically, in most reasonable respects/실질적으로, 실제로는, 사실상
    to harass; to annoy/[남]을 괴롭히다, 고통을 주다; 약탈하다, 침략하다.
    not lessened; absolute/완전한, 순전한
  • Q3
    entrenched (adj.)
    acting to result in own failure or demise/자멸하는
    lacking originality, overused/진부한, 흔한 것
    to force or place a burden on someone/~에게 ~을 내세우다, 받아들이게 하다
    firmly established and difficult to change/확립된, 뿌리 깊은
  • Q4
    insecurity (n.)
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things/딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
    to annoy/성가시게 하다
    unmistakable, clear; majorly influencing a result/압도적으로 명백한; 결정적인
    lack of confidence or self-doubt/불안
  • Q5
    mercurial (adj.)
    extremely small/극소한
    a cue or hint/신속한, 즉각적인
    boor; oaf; clod/버릇없는 사람, 시골 뜨기; 얼간이
    subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind/변덕스러운
  • Q6
    impeach (v.)
    an old spelling of "connectio (n.)"/연결, 관계
    gloomy; depressed and weary/우울한, 침울한
    to charge (a public official) with a crime done while in office/탄핵하다
    to narrate; to give an account of; to tell a story about/~를 이야기 해주다
  • Q7
    precipitous (adj.)
    dangerously high or steep/가파른
    to a serious examination and judgment of something/~을 분석하다, ~을 검토하다
    to swerve; to move rapidly without control; to lean to one side/갑자기 방향을 바꾸다; 기울다; 기울여서 청소(수리)하다
    increasing or reviving after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence/부활하는
  • Q8
    toady (n.)
    a person who behaves in an obsequious way (a suck-up)/아첨꾼, 알랑쇠
    laziness; sluggishness/게으름
    free of charge/무료로, 공짜로; 무료의
    not able to be seen through; not transparent/불투명한
  • Q9
    thither (old English)ad (v.)
    a person who manages public entertainments (especially operas, but other events as well)/(가극단, 악단 등의) 단장.
    to that place; in that direction/저쪽으로
    a prophetic revelation, especially one concerning the end of the world/종말론, 세계의 종말에 관한 예언
    complex and high-level/수준이 높은, 복잡한, 정교한
  • Q10
    prurient (adj.)
    to limit; to cut short/~을 제한하다; ~을 (예정보다 더 빠르게) 끝내다
    eliciting or possessing an extraordinary interest in sex/음란한, 색정적인
    a comparison of one thing to another; similarity/유사, 유추
    to satisfy (a need, desire, etc.) fully/실컷 만족시키다
  • Q11
    fortuitous (adj.)
    a summary; an abridgment/개략, 요약, 일람표
    showing awareness or attention to/~에 대해 사려 깊은, ~에 신경쓰는
    treachery/불성실, 배반
    happening by chance, lucky/우연한
  • Q12
    hedonism (n.)
    pursuit of pleasure and self-indulgence/쾌락주의
    a person (such as a king or queen) who rules a kingdom or empire/군주
    to think about (deeply)/~를 고려하다, 생각하다
    something that heals or soothes/향유, 방향, (신경)안정제, 진통제
  • Q13
    ideal (n.)
    good for your health; or morally good/유익한
    the idea of something that is perfect; something one hopes to attain (but perhaps unrealistic)/이상
    a mess; a complicated situation/복잡한 상황
    showing great care, attention, and effort/근면한
  • Q14
    demanding (adj.)
    to shorten; to condense/요약하다; 축소하다
    frank; outspoken; going straight to the point/1. 솔직한; 거리낌 없는; 문제를 빨리 해결하려는 2. 똑바로.
    requiring more than usually expected or thought due, especially great patience and effort and skill/까다로운, 엄격한
    a chant; the repetition of statements or phrases in a way reminiscent of a chant/주문; 주문을 외워서 부르는 것, 마술
  • Q15
    genesis (n.)
    without basis or evidence/근거없는
    origin; creation; beginning/기원, 창조
    to introduce a microorganism, serum, or vaccine into an organism in order to increase immunity to illness; to vaccinate/예방접종하다, 접종하다

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