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Quiz by 박석완

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25 questions
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  • Q1
    그녀는 예쁜 소녀구나!

    What a pretty girl she!

    What a pretty girls!

    What a pretty girl she is!

    What pretty girl she is!

  • Q2

    그것은 지루해!

    How a boring it is!

    How boring they are!

    How boring it is!

    How boring it!

  • Q3

    그녀는 정말 유명한 가수구나!

    What a famous singer she is!

    What famous a singer she is!

    What a famous singers!

    What famous singer she is!

  • Q4
    그는 인기가 많구나!

    How populars!

    How a popular man he is!

    How popular he is!

    How popular she is!

  • Q5

    얼마나 큰집을 그는 가졌는가!

    What a large house he had!

    What a large house he has!

    What a large house has he!

    What a large house had he!

  • Q6
    그들은 정말 친하구나!

    How friends they are!

    How friendly they are!

    How friendly men they are!

    How friendly he is!

  • Q7
    그것은 정말 흥미있는 쇼야!

    What the interesting show it is!

    What a interesting show it is!

    What interesting show it is!

    What an interesting show it is!

  • Q8
    Mike는 힘이 세구나!

    How strong he is!

    How strongly Mike is!

    How strong Mike is!

    How strong a Mike is!

  • Q9
    이것은 정말 빠른 기차구나!

    What a fast train this is!

    How fast train this is!

    What fast train this is!

    How a fast train this is!

  • Q10
    이것들은 정말 무거운 상자들이구나!

    What heavy boxes these are!

    What a heavy box it is!

    What a heavy box these are!

    What heavy box these are!

  • Q11

    그것은 정말 비싸구나!

    How a expensive it is!

    How an expensive it is!

    How expensive it is!

    How expensively!

  • Q12
    넌 못생긴 개를 가지고 있구나!

    What ugly dog you have!

    What a ugly dog you have!

    What an ugly dog you have!

    What the ugly dog you have!

  • Q13
    너의 여동생들은 정말 밝구나!

    How bright your sisters are!

    How a bright your sisters are!

    What a bright your sisters are!

    What bright your sisters are!

  • Q14
    그것은 흥미로운 게임이었어!

    What exciting game it is!

    What an exciting game it is!

    What an exciting game it was!

    What exciting games they are!

  • Q15
    참 정직한 소녀구나!

    What an honest girl she is!

    What a honest girl she is!

    What an honest girl he is!

    What n honest girl he is!


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