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베테랑스 SAT Vocab Day13(Final)

Quiz by 베테랑스 어학원

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    comprehend (v.)
    to make timid or fearful / ~을 겁주다, ~을 협박하다
    to understand; to include / ~를 이해하다; ~을 포함하다
    to attach firmly / ~을 고정시키다
    to conceive of; to imagine / ~을 상상하다, ~을 마음속에 그리다
  • Q2
    envision (v.)
    to conceive of; to imagine / ~을 상상하다, ~을 마음속에 그리다
    to remove or reduce, especially something painful or uncomfortable; to make ~ feel better (worry less) / ~(불편한 느낌, 고통 등)을 완화하다; ~를 안심시키다
    to prevent or obstruct / (~가 일어나지 않도록) 방해하다
    to get, develop, or come from something else / ~에서 오다, ~에서 추론하다
  • Q3
    conceive (v.)
    to get involved, especially during the middle / 사이에 끼어들다; 개입하다
    to think of; to have an idea of / ~를 생각에 담다; ~를 생각해내다
    to give up / ~을 놓다, 포기하다
    to cause to move forward with force; give an incentive for action / ~을 몰고 가다; ~를 (앞으로 가도록) 밀다
  • Q4
    rectify (v.)
    to move something wholly from one place to another (without deconstruction) / ~를 통채로 옮기다
    to say, state, or perform again / ~을 반복하여 말하다
    to give an account of; to tell the story of / ~을 말하다, ~을 진술하다, ~을 이야기 하다
    to fix (a mistake or error); to make straight (or right) again / ~을 바로잡다, 올바로 수습하다
  • Q5
    persistent (adj.)
    related to new and drastic change / 급진적
    never-ceasing; retained; not shed; continually recurring to the mind / 끊임없는, 계속되는
    designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently; causing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true / 현혹하는, 기만하는, 속이는
    related to specific set of ideas/beliefs, especially political, religious, or social / 이념적인, 관념적인, 사상적인
  • Q6
    unduly (adv.)
    only, just (minimizes significance or magnitude) / 그저 (의미나 규모를 축소)
    in a proper, neat, fastidious way / 얌전하게, 우아하게
    undeservedly; at a level that is uncalled for or unreasonable / 과도하게, 과분하게
    obviously, evidently, perceived easily / 당연히, 명백히
  • Q7
    inadvertently (adv.)
    obviously, evidently, perceived easily / 당연히, 명백히
    without knowing or intending / 무의식중에
    in combination with; together with / 함께, 같이
    essentially, basically, in most reasonable respects / 실질적으로, 실제로는, 사실상
  • Q8
    utterance (n.)
    something given or done as an expression of esteem / 바치는 것
    sounds made through speech / 발언, 말
    question / 질문
    act of submitting, surrendering, or giving in completely / 복종, 순종, 굴복
  • Q9
    wane (v.)
    to decrease in phase; to become smaller; to grow smaller / 줄어들다
    to make. [replace with "make" and it usually means the same] / ~를 ~로 되게 하다
    to argue against; to claim / (주로 반대하며) 주장하다
    to move skillfully through / 능숙하게 행동하다/움직이다
  • Q10
    hesitate (v.)
    to wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person) / ~을 갈망하다
    to discuss ~; to speak to ~; to make an attempt at solving ~ / ~에 대해 얘기하다; ~에게 연설하다; ~를 해결하려 하다
    to represent or express (especially something abstract in tangible form) / ~을 담다, ~의 화신이 되다
    to pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness / ~을 머뭇거리다, ~을 망설이다, ~을 주저하다
  • Q11
    indisputable (adj.)
    not dense / 성긴, 드문드문한
    impossible to doubt or dispute; not open to question; obviously true / 논란의 여지가 없는, 명백한, 확실한
    not essential or important / 관계없는, 포함되지 않은, 필수가 아닌
    caused by ~, due to ~ / ~에서 기인하는, ~가 원인인
  • Q12
    fickle (adj.)
    without superflous decoration / 꾸밈없는 (쓸데 없는 부분이 없는)
    dangerous OR guilty of betrayal / 위험한
    based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence / 추측성의
    likely to change unpredictably / 변덕스러운
  • Q13
    undermine (v.)
    to weaken; to bring down; to harm / ~을 손상하다, ~을 훼손하다, ~을 해치다
    give encouragement to / ~에게 용기를 주다, ~을 격려하다
    to fix (so it doesn't move); to make firmer / ~을 지지하다, ~을 고정시키다
    to believe or theorize (especially without evidence) / (근거 없이) 추측하다
  • Q14
    resolve (v.)
    to reach a conclusion / ~에 대해 결론을 내리다, 정착하다
    to reach a decision with determination / ~할 결심을 내리다
    to support or express approval for / ~를 지지하다
    a serious examination and judgment of something / ~을 분석하다, ~을 검토하다
  • Q15
    belatedly (adv.)
    not aggressive or risk-takiing; carefully/safely / 과감하지 않게; 신중하게
    late / 뒤늦게
    only, just (minimizes significance or magnitude) / 그저 (의미나 규모를 축소)
    late / 뒤늦게

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