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베테랑스 SAT Vocab Day18(Final)

Quiz by 베테랑스 어학원

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    perceived (adj.)
    detected by senses; appearing as such but not necessarily so / 인식된
    involving only one part or side / 일방적인, 한 쪽만의, 한 쪽으로 치우친
    under the influence or control of ~ / ~에 종속된
    causing momentary shock or alarm / 당황하게 하는, 충격을 주는
  • Q2
    indispensable (adj.)
    feeling anxiety or nervousness / ~을 걱정하는
    exhibiting confidence / 자신감에 찬
    essential, necessary (and as such cannot be gotten rid of) / 필요한 (그래서 없앨 수 없는)
    lying below, not easily visible but fundamental / 근원적인, 근본적인
  • Q3
    arbitrary (adj.)
    chosen at will (usually without any real standards) / (내키는대로) 정해지거나 선택된
    polite OR related to being a citizen / 예의를 지키는 OR 시민의
    worth of imitation; being a great example for something / 대단한, 모범적인
    inactive (but usually capable of becoming active) / 잠재해 있는, 활동하지 않는
  • Q4
    threadbare (adj.)
    likely to change unpredictably / 변덕스러운
    caring only about money and riches / 속물적인, 돈만 밝히는, 물질주의
    accessible; easy to talk to / 접근 가능한
    worn away so that threads show / 닳아빠진, 초라한, 너덜너덜한
  • Q5
    antiquated (adj.)
    unavoidable; happening for sure / 피할 수 없는, 불가피한
    so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period / 노후한, 시대에 뒤진
    in good condition; reasonable / 상태가 좋은, 멀쩡한; 합리적인
    old; no longer in use or valid or fashionable; no longer in use / 쓸모없게 된
  • Q6
    long-standing (adj.)
    related to beauty and the way things look / 미학의, 심미적인
    having existed or continued for a long time / 장기간의, 오랜
    rough, strong, energetic / 강한, 힘이나 에너지가 넘치는
    present at birth; inherent; not learned / 고유의, 본질적인, 선천적인
  • Q7
    reinforce (v.)
    to judge and guess towards an estimate / ~에 근접한 수치를 추정하다
    to support / ~를 지지하다, ~를 더 강력하게 하다
    to harmonize opposing ideas/concepts; to mend a relationship after conflict / (반대되는 혹은 충돌하는 개념들을) 화합시키다; 화해시키다
    to make stronger (claim or strucuture); strengthen and support behaviors and beliefs with rewards / (믿음, 주장, 행동 등)~을 강화하다
  • Q8
    denomination (n.)
    the act of dismantling or getting rid of a law or system (usually refers to slavery) / 폐지, 폐기
    the likelihood of making errors / 오류나 흠의 정도 혹은 가능성
    a claim or idea assumed to be true; the basis for an argument; the synopsis of a work of literature, cinema, or TV / 전제; (어떤 작품의) 설정
    a name; a unit; a category or group within a larger one / 명명; 단위; 더 큰 집단 내의 어떤 파 혹은 그룹
  • Q9
    outmoded (adj.)
    total (after tallying the ups and downs, the pluses and minuses) / 총 (손익 등을 다 따진 후)
    rich in decorative detail / ~을 ~로 장식된, ~을 ~로 꾸며진
    based on evidence or experience / 경험과 관련된, 경험으로 겪은
    out of fashion / 구식의, 유행에 뒤진, 시대에 뒤진
  • Q10
    qualification (n.)
    fearful expectation or anticipation / 걱정, 우려
    a large meeting or assembly, usually for a specific purpose; the traditional method of doing something / 회의, 집회, 대회; 관행
    method, policy / 방법, 방식, 정책
    a statement that limits or restricts some claim / 조건
  • Q11
    resolve (v.)
    to take into account; to consider (especially in comparison to another factor) / ~을 고려하다
    to a record or narrative description of past events / (과거 일들을) 순서대로 기록하다, 이야기하다
    to reach a decision with determination / ~할 결심을 내리다
    to understand; to include / ~를 이해하다; ~을 포함하다
  • Q12
    breakthrough (n.)
    act of giving up; acceptance of failure/despair / 체념
    respectful deference or tribute / 경의, 존경
    one who precedes you in time (as in holding a position or office) / 전신, 전에 사용되었던 물건
    an important discovery or success in something / 대단한 것을 (처음으로) 발견 혹은 성공
  • Q13
    underappreciated (adj.)
    not capable of being carried out or put into practice / 가능하지 않은, 실행할 수 없는
    strong and active physically or mentally / 활기찬, 힘찬, 활력이 넘치는
    performed regularly / 일상적인
    undervalued / (실제보다) 가치를 인정받지 못한
  • Q14
    compensate (v.)
    to travel across / ~을 가로질러 가다
    to show, illustrate / (~를) 보여주다
    to give up / ~을 놓다, 포기하다
    to make up for / ~을 만회하다, (부족했던 것을 대신해) 메꾸다, ~을 보상하다
  • Q15
    quarantine (v.)
    to explain; to help understand clearly / ~를 이해시켜주다
    be a hindrance or obstacle to / ~가 ~하는 것을 막다, 방해하다
    to place into enforced isolation, usually for medical reasons / ~을 격리시키다
    give equal rights to; of women and minorities; free from slavery or servitude / ~을 해방시키다, ~을 자유롭게 하다

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