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베테랑스 SAT Vocab Day21(ADV)

Quiz by 베테랑스 어학원

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    idealism (n.)
    belief in the ideal (perfection, utopian idea), usually naive or unrealistic / 이상주의
    language or behavior intended to mock or humiliate / 조롱, 비웃음
    a will to succeed; something one hopes to do / 성공하고자하는 소망; 이루고 싶은 것
    an unforeseen or unexpected or surprising difficulty / 보이지 않는 어려움
  • Q2
    permeate (v.)
    to emphasize / 강조하다
    to form or compose / ~을 구성하다
    to attach firmly / ~을 고정시키다
    to spread or diffuse through / 퍼지다
  • Q3
    exemplary (adj.)
    worth of imitation; being a great example for something / 대단한, 모범적인
    not normal; not typical / 변칙적인, 비정상의
    not eager; unwilling to become involved / ~하기를 꺼리는
    small but comfortable / 아늑한
  • Q4
    imperial (adj.)
    small, insignificant / 사소한, 중요하지 않은
    yielding readily to; especially vulnerable to / ~에 취약한, ~하는 경향이 있는
    of or related to imperialism (taking over other countries through force) / 제국주의의
    not firm in decision; unable to make decisions timely; not significant as to ultimately decide a result / 의지나 결정이 완고하지 않은; 결정/결단을 잘 못내리는; 그렇게 중요하거나 치명적이지 않아 최종 결론을 못내리는
  • Q5
    organically (adv.)
    plainly, obviously, evidently / 명백하게, 당연하게
    plainly, obviously, evidently / 명백하게, 당연하게
    obviously, evidently, perceived easily / 당연히, 명백히
    naturally, not artificially / 유기적으로, 자연스럽게
  • Q6
    deceptive (adj.)
    causing awareness of your shortcomings / 품위를 떨어뜨리는, 치욕적인, 굴욕적인
    designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently; causing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true / 현혹하는, 기만하는, 속이는
    causing awareness of your shortcomings / 품위를 떨어뜨리는, 치욕적인, 굴욕적인
    held, filled, or seized by something / 채워진, 사용 중인, 점령된
  • Q7
    naive (adj.)
    producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly); resulting in positive results / 생산적인
    inexperienced, gullible, innocent / 경험이 없는, 초짜의; 순수한
    causing active disagreement / 논란의 소지가 되는, 물의를 일으키는
    appearing or developing early (usually intellectually) / 조숙한
  • Q8
    withstand (v.)
    to go through or experience (mentally or physically) / 받다, 치르다, 겪다, 경험하다
    to express strong approval of; to compliment and honor / ~을 ~에게 추천하다; ~를 칭송하다
    to speak, plead, or argue in favour of; to push for something / 지지하다, 옹호하다, (~를 하자고) 주장하다
    to endure or offer resistance to somebody or something / ~을 견디다
  • Q9
    provisional (adj.)
    showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt / 짓궂은, 악의에 찬
    not finalized; temporary / 잠정적인; 임시의
    markedly different from the usual / ~의 특이한, 고유한, 특징적인
    not attractive; not persuasive or compelling / 매력없는, 호소력없는
  • Q10
    induce (v.)
    to lessen the intensity of; to calm / ~을 느슨하게 하다, ~의 강도를 줄이다
    to mock or humiliate / ~을 조롱하다, ~을 비웃다
    to call to mind; to bring forth / ~를 (생각, 감정 등을) 불러오다
    to cause to arise; to cause to happen rapidly / ~을 유도하다; ~을 (더 빠르게 일어나도록) 유도하다
  • Q11
    projection (n.)
    the financial means whereby one lives / 생업, 생계
    a useful or valuable quality / 자산, 인재
    predictions about the future; images that display to the front / 투영, 투사
    resonance; full of life / 공명; 생기 있는
  • Q12
    theatrical (adj.)
    difficult to perceive or notice / 교묘한, 눈에 잘 안띄는
    demanding moral conduct that you yourself do not portray / 위선의
    dramatic; affected (not genuine) and exaggerated / (연극처럼) 과장된
    considerable (size or amount) / 상당한
  • Q13
    fanfare (n.)
    a display of great welcome and congratulations / 엄청난 환영
    worrying too much / 지나치게 걱정하는
    the quality of insight and sympathetic understanding; perception of that which is obscure; delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values); a feeling of understanding / 0
    resentment and jealousy towards another's success / 부러움, 부러움으로 생기는 증오
  • Q14
    debut (n.)
    balance or interplay between opposing elements; feeling of suspense in midst of potential conflict or problem / 긴장된 상태 (상반된 것들의 대립, 혹은 어떤 불안이나 우려로 인한)
    dispute; a point of dispute or disagreement; act of disputing or disagreement / 반대 주장, 반대, 반대로 인해 생기는 분쟁
    first appearance in public / 데뷔
    possibility of future success; future possibility / 전망
  • Q15
    obliviousness (n.)
    a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help) / 후원자, 기부자
    explanation or justification for something / 이유에 대한 설명
    total forgetfulness / 망각함
    worth, value / 가치

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