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베테랑스 SAT Vocab Day21(Final)

Quiz by 베테랑스 어학원

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    apparatus (n.)
    a tool or equipment / 기구, 조직
    very unfriendly disposition; feeling of consideration one as an enemy / 적대감
    a misleading falsehood; act of deceiving / 속임수; 속이는 행위
    a social policy or racial segregation / 인종차별 정책 (주거, 생활, 직장등의 분리)
  • Q2
    generalize (v.)
    to get, gather, or put together as one whole / ~을 수집하다, (따로 있던 것들을) 하나로 합치다
    to annoy or severely agitate / ~을 괴롭히다, ~을 짜증나게 하다
    to cause to move forward with force; give an incentive for action / ~을 몰고 가다; ~를 (앞으로 가도록) 밀다
    to apply to other, broader contexts or situations / ~를 다른 혹은 더 큰 개념이나 상황에 적용하다
  • Q3
    replicate (v.)
    to take away; to keep from / ~에게서 ~을 빼앗다
    to push towards (physical, but also into a situation) / ~를 (어떤 방향 혹은 상황으로) 밀다/밀어넣다
    to help develop and grow / 육성하다, 키우다
    to make a copy of; to perform again / 복제하다; (같은 일을 다른 곳에서) 다시 하다
  • Q4
    moderate (adj.)
    showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others / 자선의
    interactive; impacting each other / 서로, 공통, 상호적인
    urgent / 급한
    not extreme or harsh; at a reasonable level or degree / 지나치거나 심한 수준이 아닌; 적당한 수준의
  • Q5
    stratified (adj.)
    causing active disagreement / 논란의 소지가 되는, 물의를 일으키는
    detected by senses; appearing as such but not necessarily so / 인식된
    arranged in layers or levels / 계급 혹은 레벨로 나뉘어진
    conspicuous in position or importance / 눈에 띄는, 뚜렷한
  • Q6
    distinguished (adj.)
    standing above others in character or attainment or reputation / (남들보다 더) 뛰어난
    peaceful, calm / 고요한, 잔잔한
    standing above others in character or attainment or reputation / (남들보다 더) 뛰어난
    luxurious/expensive / 사치스러운
  • Q7
    placid (adj.)
    not familiar; from an unfamiliar source / 이상한, 낯선
    calm, peaceful / 조용한, 차분한, 침착한
    having value that is not acknowledged; not likely to be rewarded / 인정받지 못한
    without basis or evidence / 근거없는
  • Q8
    mimic (v.)
    to speed up the progress of / ~을 빨리 보내다, ~가 더 빨리 되게 하다
    to compensate for or counterbalance / (반대의 성질의 무언가를) 추가해서 균형을 더 맞추다
    to allow ~ to do or get whatever he or she wants; to enjoy without restraint / ~가 하고 싶은대로 다 해주다; ~를 마음껏 즐기다
    to imitate the actions of someone / ~을 따라 하다
  • Q9
    disregard (n.)
    a plan set in motion; willingness to start ventures / (주로 뭔가를 시작하는) 계획; (무언가를 시작하는) 의지
    lack of care and attention / 무시
    resentment and jealousy towards another's success / 부러움, 부러움으로 생기는 증오
    something happening again (especially at regular intervals) / 반복되는 현상
  • Q10
    trivial (adj.)
    cheerfully irresponsible; free of trouble and worry and care / 근심 걱정이 없는
    small, insignificant / 사소한, 중요하지 않은
    noticeable / 눈에 띄는
    conflicted (between two feelings) / 상반된 감정이 공존하는
  • Q11
    cease (v.)
    to stop / ~을 중단하다
    to be attractive to; to ask for sympathy, mercy, or help / ~에게 매력적으로 느껴지다; ~에 호소하다
    to give or apply; to give out; to get rid of / ~을 분출하다; ~을 내보내다, ~을 없애다
    to conclude by logic / ~에서 ~을 논리적으로 추론해내다
  • Q12
    underlying (adj.)
    located beneath or below; not readily apparent / 근원적인, 근본적인
    extremely annoying or displeasing / 짜증나게 하는
    sleepy / 졸린
    unavoidable; happening for sure / 피할 수 없는, 불가피한
  • Q13
    unease (n.)
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things / 딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
    a job or position / 직책
    feeling of discomfort / 걱정, 불안
    storage; stored amount / 저장분
  • Q14
    whimsy (n.)
    something fancicul, odd, unpredictable (fun/imaginative) / 신비롭거나 신기한 것
    unbiased impartial unconcern; the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally; the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern; apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions / 평범함, 범용함, 보통
    something given or done as an expression of esteem / 바치는 것
    a middle ground between two extremes / 타협
  • Q15
    intricacy (n.)
    exhibiting restraint imposed on the self / 자제, 자제력, 자제심
    a statement made about the future / 예측, 예보
    intrusion into another's territory / 무단침입, 무단출입
    having elaborately complex detail / 복잡함, 얽히고 설킴

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