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베테랑스 SAT Vocab Day22(ADV)

Quiz by 베테랑스 어학원

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    promote (v.)
    to make isolated or emotionally disassociated / ~을 소외시키다
    to encourage; to make easier or more likely to happen / ~를 장려하다, ~가 더 잘 발생하도록 하다
    to take into account; to consider (especially in comparison to another factor) / ~을 고려하다
    to encourage; to make easier or more likely to happen / ~를 장려하다, ~가 더 잘 발생하도록 하다
  • Q2
    forecasting (n.)
    very unfriendly disposition; feeling of consideration one as an enemy / 적대감
    a statement made about the future / 예측, 예보
    the baby of an organism / (동물의) 새끼
    a strategic, deliberate, goal-oriented action / 계략, (전략적인) 행동이나 움직임
  • Q3
    synthesis (n.)
    a behavioral habit, sometimes done to pretend / 자주하는 행동 혹은 습관
    agreement reached by a group as a whole / 합의, (그룹 전체의) 동의
    to summarize briefly / 요약하다, 짧게 말하다
    the combination of ideas or things into a complex whole / 통합체, 종합체
  • Q4
    advocate (v.)
    to pull back; to take back / 뒤로 빼다 (혹은 빠지다); 철회하다
    to speak, plead, or argue in favour of; to push for something / 지지하다, 옹호하다, (~를 하자고) 주장하다
    to foster the growth of / ~를 가꾸다
    to call forth; to stimulate / ~을 불러오다; ~을 자극하다
  • Q5
    intangible (adj.)
    based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence / 추측성의
    not physical, unable to be grasped / 물리적이지 않은
    able to attract interest, draw favorable attention or evoke empathic or sympathetic feelings / 흥미로운, 관심을 끄는, 공감을 사는
    in an advantageous position for ~ / ~하기에 유리한 위치에 있는
  • Q6
    allude (v.)
    to emphasize / 강조하다
    to lessen the intensity of; to calm / ~을 느슨하게 하다, ~의 강도를 줄이다
    to reference indirectly / (~를) 넌지시 언급하다
    to make easier; to make something more likely to happen / ~을 용이하게 하다, ~을 쉽게 하다
  • Q7
    exhibit (v.)
    to show or display / ~을 전시하다, ~를 보여주다
    to experience / ~을 겪다
    to refuse to acknowledge; to ignore / 인정하지 않다; 무시
    to make. [replace with "make" and it usually means the same] / ~를 ~로 되게 하다
  • Q8
    susceptible (adj.)
    rival, opposing / 경쟁하는
    competent in many areas; useful in many situations or aspects / 다재다능한; 여러 곳에 적용 혹은 활용 가능한
    yielding readily to; especially vulnerable to / ~에 취약한, ~하는 경향이 있는
    fun, arousing laughter or pleasure (usually insignificant) / 즐거운, 재밌는 (그러나 하찮은)
  • Q9
    thrive (v.)
    to grow prosperous / 번창하다
    place side by side / ~와 ~을 나란히 놓다
    to make stronger (claim or strucuture); strengthen and support behaviors and beliefs with rewards / (믿음, 주장, 행동 등)~을 강화하다
    to make up for something excessively, at times due to guilt or fear / 과잉보상하다, 과잉보완하다
  • Q10
    account (n.)
    downheartedness; worry about future danger / 절망
    an explanation / 설명
    a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things / 비관적 (염세적) 태도, 부정적인 태도
    a positive consideration based on understanding of value / 이해를 통해 이루어지는 긍정적인 평가
  • Q11
    detached (adj.)
    not extreme or harsh; at a reasonable level or degree / 지나치거나 심한 수준이 아닌; 적당한 수준의
    so small as to be meaningless; insignificant; not worth considering / 무시할 만한
    competent in many areas; useful in many situations or aspects / 다재다능한; 여러 곳에 적용 혹은 활용 가능한
    standing apart; showing lack of emotional involvement / 분리된, 떨어진; 본인 일이 아닌 것 처럼 행동하는
  • Q12
    inquiry (n.)
    self-awareness, especially of embarrassment or self-critical thought / 부끄러움, 수줍음, 남을 의식
    question / 질문
    abundant wealth / 부유, 풍족함
    inherent ability / (주로 지적, 심적) 능력
  • Q13
    occupied (adj.)
    fake; made with intent to deceive for the real thing / 위조된
    involving only one part or side / 일방적인, 한 쪽만의, 한 쪽으로 치우친
    held, filled, or seized by something / 채워진, 사용 중인, 점령된
    lasting for a brief time / 짧은
  • Q14
    afflicted (adj.)
    easy to like; agreeable / 마음에 드는, 호감이 가는
    detected by senses; appearing as such but not necessarily so / 인식된
    acting to result in own failure or demise / 자멸하는
    grievously affected, usually by disease or an otherwise negative condition / ~에 괴로워하는; 괴로움을 겪는
  • Q15
    indulge (v.)
    to prevent the progress or free movement of; to put at a disadvantage / ~을 방해하다; ~가 성공하지 못하도록 조치를 취하다
    to allow ~ to do or get whatever he or she wants; to enjoy without restraint / ~가 하고 싶은대로 다 해주다; ~를 마음껏 즐기다
    to annoy or severely agitate / ~을 괴롭히다, ~을 짜증나게 하다
    to force to go away or disappear / ~을 떨쳐 버리다

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