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베테랑스 SAT Vocab Day22(Final)

Quiz by 베테랑스 어학원

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    prompt (v.)
    to mock or humiliate / ~을 조롱하다, ~을 비웃다
    to cause; to incentivize / ~을 초래하다; ~을 하게 하다
    to travel across / ~을 가로질러 가다
    to reference indirectly / (~를) 넌지시 언급하다
  • Q2
    exert (v.)
    to put in; to exercise effort / ~을 가하다
    to prevent the progress or free movement of; to put at a disadvantage / ~을 방해하다; ~가 성공하지 못하도록 조치를 취하다
    to move skillfully through / 능숙하게 행동하다/움직이다
    to grow stronger; to gain in wealth / 번영하다
  • Q3
    rationale (n.)
    memory, or recall of a memory / 기억, 혹은 기억한다는 것
    lack of interest, enthusiasm, or emotion towards something / 냉담, 무관심
    explanation or justification for something / 이유에 대한 설명
    small action, usually signifying something / (뭔가를 나타내는) 작은 행동, 손짓, 몸짓
  • Q4
    prevalence (n.)
    quality of being widespread / 널리 퍼짐, 지배적인
    something that makes progress difficult / 방해물, 방해
    the quality of being doable / 실행 가능성
    a warning against certain acts / 주의 사항, 경고
  • Q5
    navigate (v.)
    to provide direction (especially when moving forward) / ~을 헤쳐 나가다
    to encourage; to make easier or more likely to happen / ~를 장려하다, ~가 더 잘 발생하도록 하다
    to beat through cleverness and wit; to defeat by more skillful maneuvering / (머리를 써서) ~를 이기다
    to become involved; to begin interacting with / ~을 하다; ~와 무언가를 시작하다
  • Q6
    net (adj.)
    total (after tallying the ups and downs, the pluses and minuses) / 총 (손익 등을 다 따진 후)
    on the surface, related to the looks / 표면적 (외모적)
    comfortable, without worry / 편안한, 걱정없는
    standing straight; having good morals / 올바른, 정직한
  • Q7
    organically (adv.)
    naturally, not artificially / 유기적으로, 자연스럽게
    much greater in number or influence / 주로, 대부분
    only, just (minimizes significance or magnitude) / 그저 (의미나 규모를 축소)
    naturally, not artificially / 유기적으로, 자연스럽게
  • Q8
    enzyme (n.)
    a schedule/list of things to take care of in a meeting / 회의에서 다루어야 할 내용들
    factor that controls, influences a process of growth, change, interaction, or activity / 변화, 상호작용 등에 영향을 주는 요소
    a biological catalyst / 효소; 활성 단백질
    feeling of discomfort / 걱정, 불안
  • Q9
    traverse (v.)
    to become distinct; to tell apart / 구별되도록 하다, 분화하다; 구분하다
    to show or confirm to be right or true / ~을 확인하다, ~을 인증하다
    to promote the growth of; to help develop or progress more / ~를 더 발전시키다; ~의 성장에 기여하다
    to travel across / ~을 가로질러 가다
  • Q10
    wane (v.)
    to beat through cleverness and wit; to defeat by more skillful maneuvering / (머리를 써서) ~를 이기다
    to make isolated or emotionally disassociated / ~을 소외시키다
    to cause ~ / ~를 일으키다
    to decrease in phase; to become smaller; to grow smaller / 줄어들다
  • Q11
    reiterate (v.)
    to place into enforced isolation, usually for medical reasons / ~을 격리시키다
    to say, state, or perform again / ~을 반복하여 말하다
    to fight for or defend publicly / ~을 옹호하다, 대변하다
    to follow the flow of something (and describe) / ~의 흐름을 따라가다 (설명하다)
  • Q12
    inevitable (adj.)
    unavoidable; happening for sure / 피할 수 없는, 불가피한
    requiring more than usually expected or thought due, especially great patience and effort and skill / 까다로운, 엄격한
    apparently reasonable, valid, or possible / 그럴듯한
    joyful and proud especially because of success / 승리한, 성공한
  • Q13
    offspring (n.)
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things / 딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
    the baby of an organism / (동물의) 새끼
    the ability to detect or recognize a difference / ~에 민감함, ~에 대해 세심함
    intense dislike, open disrespect / 모독, 증오
  • Q14
    elusive (adj.)
    demanding strict attention to rules and procedures / 엄밀한, 정밀한
    of or from the outside / 외부에서 온; 외부의
    difficult to catch or understand / 회피하는, 잡기 힘든
    displaying vigor; energetic / 생기있는, 살아 움직이는, 활발한
  • Q15
    fine (adj.)
    showing favoritism, biased / ~에 편향된, ~를 더 좋아하는, ~에 치우친
    showing lack of favoritism; free from undue bias or preconceived opinions / 공정한, 공평한, 편견없는
    detected by senses; appearing as such but not necessarily so / 인식된
    of very high grade; made of very small particles / 높은 품질의; 고운

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