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베테랑스 SAT Vocab Day26 (ADV)

Quiz by 베테랑스 어학원

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    critique (n.)
    inclination or disposition towards something / 성향
    an evaluation or appraisal / ~에대한 분석, 평가, 검토
    act of making something different (making changes to something) / 수선, 수정
    production, produced amount; profit / 생산된 양; 수익
  • Q2
    replication (n.)
    a repetition or copy of something / 반복, 재현
    a feeling or act of disliking something or what someone is doing / 못마땅함, ~에 대한 비난 혹은 싫은 감정
    something illusory and unattainable / 신기루
    question / 질문
  • Q3
    aptitude (n.)
    lack of harmony or peace / 불화, 불일치
    inherent ability / 총명함, (주로 지적, 심적) 능력
    a dispute where there is active disagreement / 논란
    magnitude or seriousness (of something negative) / 심각성 (부정적)
  • Q4
    resentment (n.)
    the quality or attribute of being unstable and irresolute; unreliability attributable to being unstable; an unstable order; a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium / 정서 불안정
    a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will / 원한
    event resulting in great loss and misfortune / 대실패, 파멸
    a deal or agreement / 계획, 약속, 계약
  • Q5
    skeptical (adj.)
    caused to show discomposure / 무서워하는, 겁에 질린
    so small as to be meaningless; insignificant; not worth considering / 무시할 만한
    denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion; marked by or given to doubt / 의심많은, 회의적인
    present in great quantity / 무성한, 풍부한
  • Q6
    apprehension (n.)
    question / 질문
    a social policy or racial segregation / 인종차별 정책 (주거, 생활, 직장등의 분리)
    fearful expectation or anticipation / 걱정, 우려
    something (like money) given as payment/reward / 보상
  • Q7
    undermine (v.)
    to weaken; to bring down; to harm / ~을 손상하다, ~을 훼손하다, ~을 해치다
    to emphasize / 강조하다
    to justify; to show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for / ~을 정당화하다
    to find out, to figure out / ~인지 확인하다, ~인지 알아내다
  • Q8
    altruistic (adj.)
    showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others / 자선의
    small, insignificant / 사소한, 중요하지 않은
    important / 중요한
    very important, significant, all-changing; distinctive / 가장 특징적인; 결정적인
  • Q9
    confer (v.)
    to decrease in phase; to become smaller; to grow smaller / 줄어들다
    to give; to provide / ~을 주다, ~을 수여하다
    to be attractive to; to ask for sympathy, mercy, or help / ~에게 매력적으로 느껴지다; ~에 호소하다
    to deprive of voting rights / ~의 (투표) 권리를 박탈하다; ~의 참정권을 박탈하다
  • Q10
    document (v.)
    to challenge; to assert one's disagreement / ~에 이의를 제기하다
    to record in detail / ~을 문서로 기록하다, ~을 자세히 기록하다
    to protect; to provide a safe place for rest / 피할 곳/피난처 등을 제공하다
    to cause to be distrusted or disbelieved / ~을 불신하게 하다; ~의 신빙성을 추락시키다
  • Q11
    mischievous (adj.)
    badly behaved; deliberately causing harm or damage; naughtily or annoyingly playful / 짓궂은
    not yet solved / 해결되지 못한, 결정되지 못한
    requiring more than usually expected or thought due, especially great patience and effort and skill / 까다로운, 엄격한
    small, insignificant / 사소한, 중요하지 않은
  • Q12
    fleeting (adj.)
    feeling anxiety or nervousness / ~을 걱정하는
    lasting for a brief time / 짧은
    appealing to the masses; of or employed by the masses / 대중의, 대중적인
    without intention (especially resulting from heedless action) / (부주의로 인한) 고의가 아닌
  • Q13
    constitute (v.)
    form or compose; set up or lay the groundwork for; create and charge with a task or function; to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting" / ~을 구성하다
    to support / ~를 지지하다, ~를 더 강력하게 하다
    to promote the growth of; to help develop or progress more / ~를 더 발전시키다; ~의 성장에 기여하다
    to show or display / ~을 전시하다, ~를 보여주다
  • Q14
    rectify (v.)
    to produce / ~를 생산해내다
    to use or manipulate to one's advantage / ~을 활용하다
    to fix (a mistake or error); to make straight (or right) again / ~을 바로잡다, 올바로 수습하다
    to cause; to promote / ~을 이끌다, ~에 동력이 되다
  • Q15
    obscure (v.)
    to explain (the cause or origin of) / ~의 원인이나 유래를 설명하다
    to place into enforced isolation, usually for medical reasons / ~을 격리시키다
    to move skillfully through / 능숙하게 행동하다/움직이다
    to make less visible or unclear / ~을 숨기다, 흐리게 하다, 잘 안보이게 하다

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