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베테랑스 SAT Vocab Day28 (ADV)

Quiz by 베테랑스 어학원

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    dilemma (n.)
    a large meeting or assembly, usually for a specific purpose; the traditional method of doing something / 회의, 집회, 대회; 관행
    quantity more than needed (too much) / 넘치는 것
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things / 딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
    man-made object / 사람이 만든 것
  • Q2
    recurrent (adj.)
    in an advantageous position for ~ / ~하기에 유리한 위치에 있는
    exhibiting confidence / 자신감에 찬
    showing indifference or disregard; rejecting / 무시하는, 거절하는, 의미없다고 여기는
    recurring again and again / 반복적인
  • Q3
    feasibility (n.)
    information that makes more convincing; strengthening of approved behavior or belief / 보강
    something curiously strange, weird, odd / 특이한 (혹은 이상한) 것
    the quality of being doable / 실행 가능성
    quantity more than needed (too much) / 넘치는 것
  • Q4
    channel (v.)
    to prosper; to grow stronger, larger, or wealthier / 번창하다
    to wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person) / ~을 갈망하다
    to wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person) / ~을 갈망하다
    to direct the flow of / ~을 보내다, ~을 ~로 흘려보내다
  • Q5
    adequate (adj.)
    having imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects / 진취적인, 모험적인
    located beneath or below; not readily apparent / 근원적인, 근본적인
    (sometimes followed by `to') meeting the requirements especially of a task; about average; acceptable; enough to meet a purpose / 충분한
    showing inventiveness (creativity) and skill / 영리하고 창의적인
  • Q6
    incentive (n.)
    a job or position / 직책
    an inclination to favor one group or view or opinion over alternatives; a predisposition to like something / 편파, 편견, 불공평
    information that makes more convincing; strengthening of approved behavior or belief / 보강
    a positive motivational influence; an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing output / 장려, 장려금, 인센티브
  • Q7
    incorporate (v.)
    to suppress; to limit / ~을 억제하다
    to refuse to acknowledge; to ignore / 인정하지 않다; 무시
    to estimate something as being lower, smaller, or of less value / ~을 과소평가하다, ~을 경시하다
    to include; to make a part of something / ~을 포함시키다; 전체에 일부를 포함시키다
  • Q8
    empirical (adj.)
    located beneath or below; not readily apparent / 근원적인, 근본적인
    derived from experiment and observation rather than theory / 실제적인, 실행상의, 경험에 의한
    cheerfully irresponsible; free of trouble and worry and care / 근심 걱정이 없는
    capable of being perceived by the senses; in real, specific terms / 구체적인
  • Q9
    experiential (adj.)
    in an advantageous position for ~ / ~하기에 유리한 위치에 있는
    peaceful, calm / 고요한, 잔잔한
    derived from experience or the experience of existence / 경험의, 경험상의
    not changing / 변함없는
  • Q10
    overlook (v.)
    to grow prosperous / 번창하다
    to weaken; to bring down; to harm / ~을 손상하다, ~을 훼손하다, ~을 해치다
    to look past and fail to notice / ~을 보지 못하다; 놓치다
    to show, to communicate / (내용, 의미 등을) 전달하다
  • Q11
    impractical (adj.)
    not showy or obtrusive; suppressing urges / 억제된, 억눌린, 절제된
    not firm in decision; unable to make decisions timely; not significant as to ultimately decide a result / 의지나 결정이 완고하지 않은; 결정/결단을 잘 못내리는; 그렇게 중요하거나 치명적이지 않아 최종 결론을 못내리는
    familiarized, used to / (~~에) 익숙해진
    not realistic in terms of actually occurring or doing / 현실적으로 실행이 어렵거나 불가능한
  • Q12
    testimony (n.)
    an assertion offering support for a fact; a solemn statement given under oath / 증언, 증거
    dispute; a point of dispute or disagreement; act of disputing or disagreement / 반대 주장, 반대, 반대로 인해 생기는 분쟁
    lack of physical strength; quality of being easily damaged or destroyed / 연약함, 여림
    having elaborately complex detail / 복잡함, 얽히고 설킴
  • Q13
    affirmation (n.)
    process of spreading, especially to a wide area / 퍼짐
    small action, usually signifying something / (뭔가를 나타내는) 작은 행동, 손짓, 몸짓
    question / 질문
    a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something / 지지, 확인
  • Q14
    divine (adj.)
    standing apart; showing lack of emotional involvement / 분리된, 떨어진; 본인 일이 아닌 것 처럼 행동하는
    from god; of god / 신성한, 신의
    adhering to social rules and manners / 매너있는, 차분한
    able to be distinguished, special / 구별되는
  • Q15
    exercise (v.)
    to consider in a comprehensive way / ~을 측량하다, ~을 (전체적으로) 관찰하다
    to make up for / ~을 만회하다, (부족했던 것을 대신해) 메꾸다, ~을 보상하다
    to use or utilize / 행사하다, 사용하다
    suggest that someone is guilty; bring an accusation against; level a charge against / ~에게 죄를 씌우다, ~을 유죄로 만들다

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