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추석특강 Vocab Test DAY04

Quiz by VeteransEdu Jeju

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  • Q1
    traverse (v.)
    to postpone something; to yield to another’s wisdom / 연기하다, 미루다
    1. to choke; to strangle at the throat 2. to suppress / 1. 목을 조르다 2. 억누르다
    to travel across / ~을 가로질러 가다
    to make (someone) impatient, angry; or annoyed / 짜증나게 하다
  • Q2
    rigor (n.)
    a broad sequence or range of different but related things or ideas / 스펙트럼
    a state of confusion or disorder / 혼란
    the arrival or beginning of something important or notable / 도래
    strictness or thoroughness / 엄격함
  • Q3
    dilettante (n.)
    something that diverts attention or prevents concentration / 산만함
    a standard; a test of authenticity or quality / 시험석, 표준
    someone with superficial knowledge of the arts; an amateur; a dabbler / 아마추어 애호가, 어설픈 지식을 가진 사람
    deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed / 후회
  • Q4
    weave (v.)
    to form by combining threads in a particular way / 짜다
    to tell apart; to cause to stand out / 구별하다, 눈에 띄게 하다.
    to take into account; to consider (especially in comparison to another factor) / ~을 고려하다
    to make easier; to make something more likely to happen / ~을 용이하게 하다, ~을 쉽게 하다
  • Q5
    punitive (adj.)
    in its original condition; unspoiled / 원래의, 오염되지 않은
    proceeding in a gradual, subtle way but with harmful effects / 은밀한
    practical; related to practical rather than theoretical concerns / 실용적인
    involving punishment / 처벌적인
  • Q6
    meticulous (adj.)
    overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group / 지켜보는, 관리하는
    showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt / 짓궂은, 악의에 찬
    very careful; being very precise and accurate / 까다로운; 매우 조심스럽고 꼼꼼한
    corresponding in size or degree; proportionate / 상응하는
  • Q7
    notwithstanding (adv.)
    while. / ~하는 동안에, ~하는 동안
    despite; in spite of / ~에도 불구하고
    between / 사이에
    near / 가까운, 가까이에
  • Q8
    magnate (n.)
    an increase or addition / 증가, 증분
    a rich, powerful, or very successful businessperson / 고관, 부호; 거물, 유력자
    a scarcity or lack of something. / 결핍, 부족
    a misleading falsehood; act of deceiving / 속임수; 속이는 행위
  • Q9
    behest (n.)
    something extra; an appendage; an accessory / 부속물, 부수물
    something added on to something else; a supplement / 부속물, 첨가물
    having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing. / 그리움, 애수
    command; order / 명령
  • Q10
    salient (adj.)
    utter; unmitigated; very bad / 철저한; 형편없는
    necessary to make a whole complete; essential / 필수적인
    resistant, stubborn, impatient / 성급한, 고집 센, 참을성 없는
    most noticeable or important / 현저한
  • Q11
    promenade (old English) (n.)
    a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose / 기금
    a leisurely walk, or a walk taken for display or exercise. / 산책 (보여주기 위한)
    similarity to reality; the appearance of truth / 진실같음, 진실함, 진실한 것 같음, 진실한 것처럼 보이는 것
    a fake act / 가식, 위장, 사기극
  • Q12
    durable (adj.)
    discolored; black and blue; enraged / [타박상으로 피부 따위가] 검푸르게 변한; 격노한
    emitting light as a result of being heated / 백열의
    very long lasting / 오래 가는
    moving or doing things awkwardly and tending to drop or break things / 어색한, 부주의한
  • Q13
    discerning (adj.)
    believing in equal rights and opportunities / 평등주의의
    existing in name only; very small / 명목상의
    showing good judgment / 통찰력 있는
    still in existence or in use / 현존하는
  • Q14
    obstreperous (adj.)
    built well and strong / 튼튼한, 완강한
    careful in choosing or deciding / 선택적인
    noisy, unruly, or difficult to control / 소란스러운
    noticeable / 눈에 띄는
  • Q15
    accord (n.)
    a careful examination, review / 통독, 검토
    a tendency, inclination, prejudice / 편견, 선입견
    laziness; sluggishness / 게으름
    an agreement / 협의

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