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딥러닝 W14

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    perceptiveness (n.)
    a profession of belief; a statement used for evidence / 증언
    the ability to think and act quickly and cleverly / 재주
    the quality of insight and sympathetic understanding; perception of that which is obscure; delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values); a feeling of understanding / 0
    a solution / 해결책, 결론
  • Q2
    sensitivity (n.)
    the ability to detect or recognize a difference / ~에 민감함, ~에 대해 세심함
    a mathematical expression used to discriminate between different possibilities or classes / 판별식
    1. a set of straps that are used to connect to something (person or animal) to do something e.g. parachute, seat) 2. to use for a particular purpose / 1. 장비, 마구 2. 이용하다
    honesty, openness / 정직, 솔직함
  • Q3
    federal (adj.)
    not eager; unwilling to become involved / ~하기를 꺼리는
    relating to a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and individual states or provinces / 연방의
    sad, depressed / 낙담한
    stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so / 표면적인
  • Q4
    disdain (n.)
    display of disrespect; intense dislike / ~을 경멸하다
    description, portrayal / 묘사
    state of being a slave or completely subject / 노예상태
    tyrant, dictator / 독재자
  • Q5
    typify (v.)
    to serve as a typical example or characteristic of something / 대표하다, 전형적이다
    to produce and release a substance / 분비하다
    to destroy completely / 전멸시키다
    continue to have possession or control of / 유지하다
  • Q6
    frivolity (n.)
    exhibiting restraint imposed on the self / 자제, 자제력, 자제심
    lack of seriousness, light-heartedness / 경박함
    an area of territory owned or controlled by a particular ruler or government / 영역
    recipient, heir / 수혜자
  • Q7
    mannerism (n.)
    a behavioral habit, sometimes done to pretend / 자주하는 행동 혹은 습관
    a plan or arrangement for doing or organizing something / 계획
    resentment and jealousy towards another's success / 부러움, 부러움으로 생기는 증오
    a channel or means of transmitting / 도관, 매개체
  • Q8
    redress (v.)
    to provide nurture; to help develop and grow / ~을 품다; ~가 성장하도록 돕다
    to mock or humiliate / ~을 조롱하다, ~을 비웃다
    to remedy or make amends for / 보상하다
    to increase very quickly / 치솟다
  • Q9
    conspicuous (adj.)
    feeling or showing a very strong desire for something that you do not have and especially for something that belongs to someone else / 시기하는
    easily seen, noticeable / 눈에 띄는
    of the same or similar kind / 동종의, 동질의
    different, unrelated / 이질적인
  • Q10
    tacit (adj.)
    involving or limited to basic principles / 기초적인
    represented in simplified or abstract form / 도식화된
    understood or implied without being stated / 암묵적인
    rambling, digressive / 산만한
  • Q11
    altruistic (adj.)
    under the influence or control of ~ / ~에 종속된
    happening as a result or effect of something / 결과적인
    showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others / 자선의
    extremely hungry / 굶주린
  • Q12
    discourage (v.)
    cite or appeal to (a law, rule, or precedent) as authority / 인용하다
    to prevent or obstruct; to dishearten / ~가 잘 안되도록 하다; ~을 기죽이다, ~을 낙담시키다
    to separate into two paths/types/forms / 두 갈래/종류로 나뉘다
    to cause something to be unable to continue in the normal way / 붕괴시키다
  • Q13
    laud (v.)
    to have a great desire for / ~을 열망하다, ~을 갈망하다
    to praise highly / 칭찬하다
    to make (someone) feel very ashamed or foolish / 모욕하다
    to shorten by cutting off a part / 절단하다
  • Q14
    practically (adv.)
    in or into that place, thing, or detail / 그 안에, 그 것에
    afterward; later on / 그 후에
    essentially, basically, in most reasonable respects / 실질적으로, 실제로는, 사실상
    essentially, basically, in most reasonable respects / 실질적으로, 실제로는, 사실상
  • Q15
    undue (adj.)
    excessive or unwarranted / 지나친, 과도한
    following one another / 연속의, 일렬로
    acting or intending to appear better, more important, or distinguished, usually to impress / 허세부리는, 가식적인
    incapable of producing any useful result / 헛된, 쓸모 없는

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