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딥러닝 WEEK 2 0625

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    emerge (v.)
    a blessing; an utterance of good wishes/축복
    to give power or authority to/권한을 부여하다
    to become apparent, important, or prominent/나타나다
    a failing, flaw/결함
  • Q2
    ingest (v.)
    to take up or consume/~을 섭취하다
    to limit; to cut short/~을 제한하다; ~을 (예정보다 더 빠르게) 끝내다
    to conclude by logic/~에서 ~을 논리적으로 추론해내다
    to come together from different directions/모이다
  • Q3
    abridge (v.)
    harmful toward another’s reputation/중상적인, 명예를 훼손하는
    to shorten; to condense/요약하다; 축소하다
    process of spreading, especially to a wide area/퍼짐
    the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting)/무대, 장면, 배경, 장소
  • Q4
    exemplary (adj.)
    a gaudy trinket; a small, inexpensive ornament/값싸고 야한 것, 자질구레한 장신구
    worth of imitation; being a great example for something/대단한, 모범적인
    division; separation; discord or disharmony/1. 분리, 분열 2. 이견, 불화, 불화와 불협화
    to turn (your eyes, gaze, etc.) away or aside/외면하다
  • Q5
    nebulous (adj.)
    relating to a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and individual states or provinces/연방의
    unclear, vague, or ill-defined/흐릿한
    to remove someone from a powerful position/물러나게 하다
    sad, depressed/낙담한
  • Q6
    purported (adj.)
    the state of being decrepit; old age./노쇠, 쇠퇴
    moral standards governing behavior/윤리, 도덕; 윤리학, 도덕론
    causing a person to become tired and to feel ready to fall asleep/최면성의
    rumored; claimed/주장된, 주장되는, 소문에 의한
  • Q7
    urban (adj.)
    to go away suddenly; to disappear or vanish/증발하다
    to take money or property from (someone) by using lies or tricks/속이다
    of or related to citizens/시민의
    relating to a city or characteristic of it/도시의
  • Q8
    retract (v.)
    to set or keep apart/은퇴시키다, 고립시키다; 몰수하다, 가압류하다
    lacking significance or meaning/하찮은
    to pull back; to take back/뒤로 빼다 (혹은 빠지다); 철회하다
    the audience’s demand for a repeat performance; also the artist’s performance in response to that demand/앙코르
  • Q9
    sloth (n.)
    laziness; sluggishness/게으름
    to seek revenge/복수하다
    proceeding in a gradual, subtle way but with harmful effects/은밀한
    to spread or diffuse through/퍼지다
  • Q10
    quizzical (old English) (adj.)
    sly or cunning intelligence/교활함
    an indirect suggestion/암시
    indicating mild or amused puzzlement./괴상한, 의아한
    FALSE/옳지 않은, 그릇된
  • Q11
    litany (n.)
    lonely, abandoned, hopeless/외로운, 절망적인
    recital or list; tedious recounting/[교리] 연도, 소원 늘어놓기; 지루한 설명
    immature, uninformed/초심자의, 어리석은
    a dreamer; someone with impractical goals or ideas about the future/공상가, 미래에 대한 비현실적인 목표나 아이디어를 가진 사람
  • Q12
    betwixt (old English)prep.
    a natural liking or attraction towards something or someone/친밀감
    a gathering of people, especially for religious services/교인들, 신자들
    causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry./짜증나는, 귀찮은
  • Q13
    nary (old English) (adj.)
    to shorten; to condense/요약하다; 축소하다
    extreme praise/아첨, 추켜세움
    not one./조차 없는, 결코 없는
    wanting to do something or likely to do something/~하고 싶은, 경향이 있는
  • Q14
    selective (adj.)
    a sworn written statement made before an official/공증된 서면 진술
    careful in choosing or deciding/선택적인
    a sudden rushing attack; an excursion; an expedition; a repartee; a clever rejoinder/1. 돌격, 출격 2. 재담
    having succeeded in life without help from others/1. 자기가 만든 2. 자력으로 성공한
  • Q15
    mendicant (old English) (n.)
    excessively worshipping one object or person/우상 숭배의
    a beggar./구걸하는 사람, 거지
    self-awareness, especially of embarrassment or self-critical thought/부끄러움, 수줍음, 남을 의식

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