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01. AG - ORI - Origins of Gov't

Quiz by Michael DalSanto

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    A government whose power is limited by the restrictions set forth in a constitution.
    Judicial Review
    Consent of the Governed
    Limited Government
  • Q2
    The concept that people must agree to their government, otherwise it is illegitimate
    Judicial Review
    Consent of the Governed
    Limited Government
  • Q3
    The division of power between Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches
    Checks and Balances
    Separation of Powers
    Popular Sovereignty
  • Q4
    Fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially as a citizen's entitlement.
    Ex Post Facto
    Due Process
    Habeas Corpus
    Delegated Powers
  • Q5
    The Supreme Court takes on a case about the constitutional merits of a law. After hearing arguments for and against the law, they issue a verdict that the law goes violates certain provisions of the U.S. Constitution. Once determined unconstitutional, the law is struck down, or voided. What kind of practice is exemplified in the situation described?
    Judicial Review
    Popular Sovereignty
    Limited Government
    Federal Appeal
  • Q6
    The ability of the judiciary to interpret the law and declare laws unconstitutional.
    Popular Sovereignty
    Judicial Review
    Separation of Powers
  • Q7
    The ability of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches to limit one another.
    Separation of Powers
    Judicial Review
    Checks and Balances
  • Q8
    The concept that the government gains its legitimacy from the people.
    Judicial Review
    Separation of Powers
    Popular Sovereignty
  • Q9
    The division of power between federal, state, and local governments
    Popular Sovereignty
    Separation of Powers
    Judicial Review
  • Q10
    Identify the key principle of government illustrated by the following amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...."
    Limited Government
    Consent of the Governed
    Popular Sovereignty
    Separation of Powers
  • Q11
    Identify the key principle of government illustrated by the following amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State...."
    Popular Sovereignty
    Limited Government
    Separation of Powers
    Checks and Balances
  • Q12
    Identify the key principle of government illustrated by the following amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President...."
    Separation of Powers
    Limited Government
    Consent of the Governed
    Popular Sovereignty
  • Q13
    The U.S. Constitution establishes several basic principles of government. Which principle is described here: Government authority is derived from the people.
    Popular sovereignty
    Checks and balances
    Separation of Powers
  • Q14
    The U.S. Constitution establishes several basic principles of government. Which principle is described here: Power is divided between the national and state governments.
    Checks and balances
    Popular sovereignty
    Separation of Powers
  • Q15
    The U.S. Constitution establishes several basic principles of government. Which principle is described here: The branches of government have the ability to limit the other branches.
    Popular sovereignty
    Checks and balances
    Consent of the Governed

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