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Quiz by M.Daniel Jayakumar

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9 questions
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  • Q1
    What types of sources did historians rely on for information during the period of roughly 700 to 1750?
    Telepathic communication and time travel
    Newspapers, magazines, and television broadcasts
    Sculptures, pottery, paintings, and oral traditions
    Coins, inscriptions, architecture, and textual records
    DNA analysis, satellite imaging, and photographs
  • Q2
    Why are manuscripts difficult for historians to use?
    They were written on fragile materials that decayed over time
    They were often destroyed and lost over the centuries
    They were copied by hand and introduced small changes over time
    They were heavily censored and altered by rulers
    They were written in languages that are no longer understood
  • Q3
    What gradually became cheaper and more widely available during the period of roughly 700 to 1750?
    Printing press
  • Q4
    What is one reason why it is challenging for historians to find the original manuscript of an author?
    There was no printing press, so manuscripts were copied by hand
    Historians did not value original manuscripts
    Original manuscripts were intentionally destroyed
    The original manuscripts were too fragile to survive
    Manuscripts were written in rare and indecipherable languages
  • Q5
    What are some types of records and documents that historians relied on during the period from roughly 700 to 1750?
    Blueprints, engineering diagrams, and scientific studies
    Holy texts, chronicles of rulers, letters and teachings of saints, petitions and judicial records, and registers of accounts and taxes
    Diaries, personal journals, and memoirs
    Photographs, newspaper clippings, and government reports
    Speeches, interviews, and audio recordings
  • Q6
    What did historians rely on to learn about rulers and dynasties during the period of the Gupta dynasty and Harshavardhana?
    Artifacts and relics
    DNA analysis and genetic studies
    Oral traditions and folklore
    Radio and television broadcasts
    Coins, inscriptions, architecture, and textual records
  • Q7
    In the absence of a printing press, how were manuscripts copied during the period from roughly 700 to 1750?
    By using photocopiers
    By using computers
    By using printing presses
    By using typewriters
    By hand
  • Q8
    Why is it difficult for historians to reconstruct the original works of authors based on manuscripts?
    The originals were destroyed over time
    The manuscripts were written in an unknown language
    The manuscripts were too fragile to survive
    The authors intentionally altered their own works
    Small changes were introduced during the process of copying
  • Q9
    Which of the following were commonly collected by wealthy people, rulers, monasteries, and temples during the period from roughly 700 to 1750?
    Audio recordings

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