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0718 딥러닝 A2

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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  • Q1
    a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood. / 태도, 표정
    to make easier; to make something more likely to happen / ~을 용이하게 하다, ~을 쉽게 하다
    to slow down the development or progress of (something) / 지체시키다
    to emphasize or highlight / 강조하다
  • Q2
    free of charge / 무료로, 공짜로; 무료의
    full of energy, enthusiasm / 풍부한, 열정적인
    serving a useful or positive purpose / 건설적인
    to go over and cover rough terrain (usually to make a road) / (도로, 바닥 등) ~을 포장하다; (새로운 것으로) 덮어버리다
  • Q3
    abandonment or rejection of faith or loyalty / 배신, 변절, 탈당
    marked by practical hardheaded intelligence / 눈치 빠른, 교활한
    something extra; an appendage; an accessory / 부속물, 부수물
    to enjoy or take pleasure in something / 즐기다
  • Q4
    peaceful, calm / 고요한, 잔잔한
    violent breakdown; sudden overthrow; overwhelming defeat / 대실패, 와해, 대패, 대실, 대폭망
    extremely varied or diverse; heterogeneous; multicolored / 잡색의, 얼룩덜룩한; 혼성의, 다채로운
    the quality of being closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand / 관련성
  • Q5
    the death of all its remaining living members / 소멸
    not giving hope of future success or good results / 장래성 없는, 유망하지 못한
    remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree. / 엄청난, 경이로운
    following immediately afterward / 그 다음의
  • Q6
    lacking skill or competence / 서투른
    value something or feel great respect for someone / 존경, 숭배
    inhabitant / 주민, 거주자
    mysterious, understood by few / 신비한, 난해한
  • Q7
    shrewdness, soundness of perspective / 명민함, 현명함
    to sponsor; to subsidize; to insure / 후원하다; 보증하다; 보험에 가입하다
    a situation in which many people are upset, angry; or disturbed by something / 소동
    misleading in appearance, deceptive / 허울만 있는
  • Q8
    trifle (old English)
    deficient in size or quality / 부족한, 빈약한
    to treat as an inferior; to condescend to / 보호하다, 후원하다; 찬조하다
    a thing of little value or importance. / 사소한 일, 시시한 것
    a small remainder of something / ~의 흔적, 남겨진 파편
  • Q9
    extremely dry or lacking in interest / 건조한
    a plan or arrangement for doing or organizing something / 계획
    tyranny, dictatorship / 독재, 전제주의
    skillful / 솜씨 좋은
  • Q10
    worried and uneasy; ceaselessly in motion / 잠이 안 오는; 가만히 있지 못하는
    a brief and usually witty or satirical saying / 경구, 풍자시
    incapable of being removed or destroyed or eradicated / 없앨 수 없는, 파괴할 수 없는, 근접할 수 없는, 없애기 어려운, +eradicable, eradicate
    to estimate or measure / 측정하다
  • Q11
    a cell or organ that receives and responds to stimuli / 수용체
    to gather, assemble / 소집하다
    done or made quickly and without thought about what will happen as a result / 성급한
    lacking awareness of something / ~을 깨닫지 못하는
  • Q12
    total forgetfulness / 망각함
    a solution / 해결책, 결론
    all-knowing / 모든 것을 보는, 전지의, 박식한
    to stop doing something, renounce / 그만두다, 단념하다
  • Q13
    self-governance / 자치권
    to assign an assignment or task to someone / ~에게 ~하는 업무를 부여하다
    not influenced or affected by something / 면역의
    to make (something) shorter or smaller by removing parts that are less important / 압축하다
  • Q14
    troubled emotionally and usually deeply; physically disturbed or set in motion; thrown from side to side / 흔들리고 있는, 동요하는
    to exaggerate for dramatic effect / ~을 극적으로 과장하다
    1. not sharp 2. saying or expressing something in a very direct way that may upset some people / 무딘; 퉁명스런
    tending to reject; showing indifference or disregard / 경멸감을 보이는
  • Q15
    showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment / 순진한
    an ability to meet and handle a situation / 재주
    to scold, reprimand / 질책하다
    a standard; a test of authenticity or quality / 시험석, 표준

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