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0719 딥러닝

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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  • Q1
    grudging (adj.)
    doing, giving, saying in an unwilling or reluctant way/마지못해 하는
    to postpone something; to yield to another’s wisdom/연기하다, 미루다
    firmly established and difficult to change/확립된, 뿌리 깊은
    to disturb the composure of/~을 겁먹게 하다, ~을 두렵게 하다
  • Q2
    nefarious (old English) (adj.)
    various or several/여러 가지의
    a former british coin and monetary unit equal to one twentieth of a pound or twelve pence./실링 (영국의 화폐 단위)
    wicked or criminal./악명 높은, 사악한
    great enthusiasm and energy./열의, 활력
  • Q3
    ludicrous (adj.)
    a review of or meditation on past events/회고
    1. not honest; likely to tell lies 2. based on lies/거짓의
    very foolish/우스꽝스러운
    intense uneasiness/불안, 걱정
  • Q4
    holistic (adj.)
    amusement, especially as expressed in laughter./웃음, 유쾌함
    widely and unfavorably known/악명 높은
    characterized by the understanding of the whole system/전체론적인
    a period of two weeks/2주, 14일
  • Q5
    yawning (adj.)
    characterized by an open mouth and a deep inhalation due to tiredness or boredom/하품하는
    to bring under domination or control, especially by conquest/지배하다
    the art of making maps and charts/지도 제작, 지도학
    gullible, easily fooled/잘 믿는
  • Q6
    monumental (adj.)
    a seemingly contradictory statement or situation that may be true/역설
    of great importance, significance, or scale/엄청난
    not genuine; showing no honest reflection/거짓의, 위선의
    critic, someone who disparages/험담자, 비평가
  • Q7
    obligatory (adj.)
    a sermon/설교
    not one./조차 없는, 결코 없는
    required by a law or rule/필수의
    to make something last/연장하다
  • Q8
    subtract (v.)
    a word made up of the initials of other words/머릿글자로 된 말(단어)
    pertaining to the sense of smell/후각의, 냄새의; 후각기관, 코
    to take (a number or amount) from another number or amount/공제하다
    to step down from a position of power or responsibility/포기하다, 퇴위하다, 사퇴하다
  • Q9
    slake (v.)
    to quench; to satisfy; to assuage/1. [불을] 끄다 2. [욕망을] 채우다 3. 약화시키다
    a maneuver designed to outwit an enemy; a scheme; a ruse/전략, 계략
    talkative; fond of talking/말이 많은
    arousing distate or opposition; unplesant or offensive/불쾌한, 무례한
  • Q10
    frigid (adj.)
    to adorn; to beautify by adding ornaments; to add fanciful or fictitious details to/...을 아름답게 하다, 장식하다
    to act as a go between parties, usually to help resolve a conflict/~을 중재하다
    establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm/규범의
    very cold/차가운
  • Q11
    hackneyed (adj.)
    lacking originality, overused/진부한, 흔한 것
    something that heals or soothes/향유, 방향, (신경)안정제, 진통제
    planned or scheduled to happen in the near future/예정된
    a large amount of rain that suddenly falls in an area/대홍수
  • Q12
    neophyte (n.)
    to agree/동의하다, 합의하다
    the act of provoking; incitement; cause/화나게 하기, 자극
    beginner; novice/초보자; 신참자
    a rude or churlish person/시골 뜨기
  • Q13
    eminent (old English) (adj.)
    a gradual increase in the volume of a sound; a gradual increase in the intensity of anything/힘, 음량이 점점 강해짐, [음악] 점점 세게
    (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or professio (n.)/저명한, 뛰어난
    the action of going out of or leaving a place./퇴장
    warm, calm, and pleasant/온화한
  • Q14
    exquisite (adj.)
    to seize or plunder, especially in war/약탈, 강탈
    delicately beautiful/정교하게 아름다운
    to persuade someone to do something or to give you something by making promises or saying nice things/꼬드기다
    a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief/단언
  • Q15
    expedient (old English)adj
    (of an action) convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral./유용하고 편리한 (그러나 주로 옳지 않은)
    greatly distressing, vexing/극도로 고통스러운, 가슴 아픈
    a person who disagrees or dissents/반대하는, 의견을 달리하는
    central point, essence/핵심, 중점

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