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1 Science-Lesson-1-Lets-Solve-it...-Scientifically

Quiz by Ayeka Sophie Deniega

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30 questions
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  • Q1
    What latin word did science came from
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  • Q2
    What does the latin word "scientia" mean
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  • Q3
    It is a process that enables us to explain and understand the different wonders around us
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  • Q4
    What are the three main branches that science is classified into?
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  • Q5
    It deals with the study of matter and energy
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  • Q6
    It deals with the sciences that explain the planet earth and space
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  • Q7
    It focuses on the organisms, their life processes and their environment
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  • Q8
    He is an english scientist who explained in his atomic theory that matter is composed of tiny indivisile particlEs called atoms
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  • Q9
    What are the tiny indivisible particlesthat matter is composed of
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  • Q10
    An entire plant can be regenerated from a single mass of tissue using this technology
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  • Q11
    How many months does it take for banana suckers to clone itself
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  • Q12
    This technology made _____ have a multimillion banana tissue culture business in general Santos City. He cloned good varietis of bananas
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  • Q13
    It enables us to explain and understand things around us.
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  • Q14
    It also leads to different innovations that improve our way of living
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  • Q15
    In this process, an ionizing radiation technology is applied to food to reduce or eliminate microorganisms that cause food-borne diseases
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