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101 - Chapter 12 Quiz

Quiz by Julie Ehle

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  • Q1

    Which item below best describes a child who has "special needs"?

    A child who looks or acts strangely compared to all the other children in the classroom.

    A child with particular risk factors, including physical health or emotional health issues and physical, sensory, or cognitive impairments.

    A child who cannot function in a regular classroom and must be placed in an alternative.

    A child with limited cognitive, physical and/or social/emotional abilities.

  • Q2

    Which of the following is an appropriate way to refer to a child with a disability?

    Don't mention the disability so that others won't feel uncomfortable.

    Sally is a child with autism.

    Sally has some problems (avoid saying the word that identifies the disability).

    Sally is autistic.

  • Q3

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act mandates…

    a mainstreaming experience for babies and toddlers in a parent participation program that will prevent them from falling behind in the crucial early years.

    a free, appropriate public education, including special education and related services for all children who are disabled in the least restrictive environment.

    inclusion classrooms for all children with disabilities.

    the opportunity for children with disabilities to learn in a self-contained environment specifically designed to meet their needs and abilities.

  • Q4

    Which of the following is true about an IFSP, Individualized Family Service Plan?

    It is reviewed annually by the service team.

    It includes the family's ideas for learning outcomes for their child.

    It focuses on activities that the service team will provide to help the child.

    It is written professionals in the field of early intervention.

  • Q5

    Which is one of the first steps a teacher should take when concerned that a child may have exceptional needs that require special help?

    Assume that the child will be likely to catch up with peers if given the opportunity.

    Inform the family that the child should be taken to the pediatrician for testing.

    Conduct tests in your classroom to find out where the child is behind in his progress or lacking in required academic skills.

    Talk with the family to learn more about what the child is like at home.

  • Q6

    Which of these is part of the teacher's role in identifying and diagnosing children with disabilities?

    Observe the child in a variety of situations and prepare objective anecdotal records that document how the children behaves in a variety of situations.

    Diagnose the specific disability a child may have and communicate this to parents.

    Ask that the child be transferred to a special education classroom in order to assess his or her needs accurately.

    Inform the director or principal that you cannot meet the child's needs.

  • Q7

    Which of the following statements is true about inclusion? 

    All children benefit from opportunities to learn about acceptance and to appreciate diversity.

    Typically developing children benefit more than those with disabilities.

    Teachers report limited satisfaction with teaching in inclusion classrooms.

    Children with disabilities benefit more from inclusion that their typically developing children.

  • Q8

    Implementing inclusion in your classroom requires that you gather information about the child from a variety of sources. Which of the sources below likely provide the most significant and valuable information?

    Books and professional journals with information related to the specific disability

    A special education team that consults with you

    The child's pediatrician

    The child's family

  • Q9

    Children who have difficulty controlling or moving their bodies may have…

    a skeletal abnormality.

    an orthopedic impairment.

    a learning disability.

    a visual impairment.

  • Q10

    Which of the following is one suggestion for assisting a child with hearing impairment?

    Do not allow the child to play in activities like dramatic play as it might frustrate him or her.

    Sit the child across from you at circle time.

    Limit gestures and visual cues.

    Rephrase your sentence if the child does not seem to understand you.Rephrase your sentence if the child does not seem to understand you.

  • Q11

    Children with receptive language delay…

    are typically non-English speakers.

    have many pronunciation errors.

    cannot tell the difference between speech sounds.

    have difficulty understanding the meaning of words.

  • Q12

    Sandall and Schwartz describe six types of curriculum modifications that can help children with special needs participate fully.

    These include all EXCEPT:

    Specialize curriculum

    Simplify activities

    Modify materials

    Environmental support

  • Q13

    Dual language learners…

    are learning to speak English while continuing to learn their home language.

    will need to stop speaking their home language in order to learn to speak English well.

    are decreasing in numbers and diversity.

    are fluent speakers of more than one language.

  • Q14

    Children with special gifts and talents…

    must not be encouraged to develop advanced skills such as early reading or math learning because they will soon become bored in your classroom.

    require no special provisions for their development and learning.

    may require materials ordinarily considered appropriate for older children.

    need more structure to ensure they don't become fixated on a special interest.

  • Q15

    In your work with the family of a child whom you suspect may have a special need, it is important to…

    refer the child for an evaluation before approaching the family so you are certain you are correct.

    collect observational data then invite the family to discuss plans for working with the child at school.

    expect the family to be grateful to you and accept the facts of their child's disability.

    avoid offering specific information about your observations and ask them to seek an evaluation by their pediatrician.


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