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104 Final Exam Review

Quiz by Umma Habiba Milly

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30 questions
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  • Q1

    Which of the following characteristics are potential dimensions of challenging behaviors? 

    age appropriateness


    type of behavior

    frequency and intensity

  • Q2

    Which of the following teacher behaviors may interfere with productive  relationships with families?

     contacting parents only when there is a problem

    acting authoritative with parents

     early contact with parents

     contacting parents only when there is a problem &  acting authoritative with parents

  • Q3

    Mr. Miller takes his position as a special educator very seriously. He is busy working in his classroom from the beginning till the end of the work day. He rarely goes to the teachers’ lounge and has not made friends with his peers. This school year, his principal announced that students in special education would receive services within general education classes. What will Mr. Miller need to do in order to implement this plan? 

    tell his principal that he prefers not to teach in this arrangement

     spend as little time in the teacher’s lounge as possible to avoid having to listen  to other teachers’ complaints about his students

     offer help only when asked

    listen respectfully to the ideas of others

  • Q4

    Aggressive children from disorderly first grade classes are more likely to  ________________ than the average child by sixth grade.

     be retained at least one grade 

    perform well academically

    exhibit socially withdrawn behavior

    exhibit aggressive behavior

  • Q5

    Which of the following is a reactive response? 





  • Q6

    Which of the following student groups are most affected by the traditional  discipline policies?

    minority students

    low-income students

    male students


  • Q7

    Many students who receive office referrals and/or detentions are repeat offenders.  This means that this type of reactive discipline is 

    not working for these students


    necessary for these students.

     effective for these students

  • Q8

     Mr. Brown asked the parents of one of his students to meet with him. He  acknowledged their demanding work schedule and agreed to meet with them early before  his regular arrival time. He explained to them that their daughter was having some  behavior problems in his classroom. He said that he needed their help to better know their  daughter. What elements of a good relationship did Mr. Brown use? 

    All-  integrity,  respect, 



    mutual interest

  • Q9

    Students with behavior challenges are students who require _______________. 

    All- differential management techniques, more structure &  possibly more individualized instruction

    differential management techniques

     possibly more individualized instruction

    more structure

  • Q10

    Mr. Covey is a new teacher to his school this year. He understands the importance of positive, collaborative teacher-parent relationships. He initiated early contact with the parents of his students. As parent conference day approached, he asked a veteran teacher  for advice about making parent meetings as productive as possible. Which of the following would be a part of the advice he received?

    Take steps to ensure that parents feel welcome in the educational setting.

    Use terminology that is understood by everyone rather than jargon.

    Take steps to ensure that parents feel welcome in the educational setting & Use terminology that is understood by everyone rather than jargon.

     Keep the meetings on a strict timetable: no meeting should go longer than  


  • Q11

     Mr. Williams teaches sixth grade science. Each morning he stands in the hallway  and greats each of his students by name. Which of the three tiers of prevention and  supports is Mr. Williams using?

     targeted level supports

     universal level supports

     tertiary level interventions

     universal level supports and   targeted level supports

  • Q12

     School and classroom strategies that promote positive social behavior and  academic success for all students are _______________ to preventing discipline problems.





  • Q13

    Marketing companies have long used terms such as ______________________ as a  promotional tool to convince educators to buy certain products, services or to adapt certain  techniques for use in schools. 

    “scientifically - based”

     “research based”



  • Q14

    According to a comprehensive of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,  which one of these statements is true.

    Medication is the only way to address this disorder

    Medication for behavioral control should always be combined with types of behavioral interventions and positive behavior supports.

    Counseling is the best way to work with these children.


  • Q15

    A behavioral approach is based on the fundamental assumption that all  

    _______________ behavior is learned as a result of consequences associated with those  behaviors.






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