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104-2-Theoretical Models to Explain Challenging Behavior- Review 1


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  • Q1
    Marketing companies have long used terms such as ______________________ as a promotional tool to convince educators to buy certain products, services or to adapt certain techniques for use in schools.
    “research based”
    “scientifically - based”
  • Q2
    According to a comprehensive of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which one of these statements is true.
    Counseling is the best way to work with these children.
    Medication is the only way to address this disorder.
    Medication for behavioral control should always be combined with types of behavioral interventions and positive behavior supports.
  • Q3
    The ecological model relies upon ecological assessment to gather information about the child’s behavior and expectations relative to the child’s
    ecosystems in which the child functions
  • Q4
    Theoretical models of behavior or philosophical belief systems-
    about true behavior.
    about atypical behavior.
    about typical behavior.
    about normal behavior.
  • Q5
    No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
    No Child Call Bully Act
    No Child Left Block Act
    No Child Left Born Act
  • Q6
    NCLB requires
    schools adopt practices that are backed by “scientifically based research”
    schools adopt practices that are backed by “emotion based research”
    schools adopt practices that are backed by “marketing based research”
    schools adopt practices that are backed by “psychodynamic based research”
  • Q7
    Independent variables
    the target behavior
    the intervention(s)
  • Q8
    Dependent variable
    target behavior(s) addressed by the intervention(s)
  • Q9
    Group designs
    evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention on a group of individuals
    evaluate the effectiveness of interventions on target behaviors in individuals.
  • Q10
    Single-subject designs
    evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention on a class of students, all fifth graders in a district, a sample of students with learning disabilities
    evaluate interventions with individuals with autism, developmental disabilities, or other disabilities
  • Q11
    Atypical behavior results from internal psychological events and motivational forces.
    Ecological model
    Biophysical model
    Cognitive model
    Psychodynamic model
  • Q12
    Freud’s psychoanalytic theory.
    Cognitive model
    Psychodynamic model
    Biophysical model
    Ecological model
  • Q13
    The underlying premise of the psychodynamic approach is
    There are rational behaviors that describe leadership action
    Observations of behaviors are rational in nature
    Irrational behaviors are the downfall of organizations
    There are irrational forces that underlie seemingly rational behaviors
  • Q14
    Which premise requires "detective" work to find clues to explain perplexing behavior?
    How we regulate and express emotions is central to a person's identity
    Human development is an intra- and interpersonal process
    Mental life lies outside of conscious awareness
    There is rationale behind every act
  • Q15
    One of my employees is acting irrationally. I am certain there is a reasonable explanation for the behavior. I am applying which premise of the clinical paradigm?
    There is rationale behind every act
    Mental life lies outside of conscious awareness
    How we regulate and express emotions is central to a person's identity
    Human development is an intra- and interpersonal process

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