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1124 Vocab Quiz WEEK13

Quiz by VeteransEdu Jeju

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  • Q1
    parameter (n.)
    a ruler with absolute power / 독재자
    readiness to believe / 신뢰성, 신뢰심
    a numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation / 매개변수
    a landing on the edge of the water; wharf; pier / 부두, 선창
  • Q2
    covet (v.)
    to organize and send out (people or things) to be used for a particular purpose / 배치하다
    to wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person) / ~을 갈망하다
    to improvise; speak or act spontaneously / 즉흥적으로 ...하다
    to mix or mingle together / 섞이다, 섞이게 하다
  • Q3
    stolid (old English) (adj.)
    not extreme or harsh; at a reasonable level or degree / 지나치거나 심한 수준이 아닌; 적당한 수준의
    relating to marriage or weddings / 결혼의, 혼인의
    lacking flavor, interest, or vigor / 맛없는, 재미없는
    calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation. / 무감각한, 둔한
  • Q4
    chronically (adv.)
    to this place / 이쪽으로
    continuing or occurring again and again for a long time / 만성적으로
    to that place; in that direction / 저쪽으로
    clearly / 뚜렷하게
  • Q5
    feud (n.)
    the action of keeping something under control or within limits / 억제
    a quarrel in which two people or groups remain angry with each other for a long time / 다툼
    greed, strong desire / 탐욕, 욕망
    inclination or disposition towards something / 성향
  • Q6
    ecosystem (n.)
    a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose / 기금
    a community of organisms and the physical environment in which they live / 생태계
    an injection of one substance into another; the permeation of one substance by another / 주입, 첨가물
    calm, significant consideration (doesn't have to be important) / 깊고 차분하게 한 생각 (중요하지 않을 수 있음)
  • Q7
    composite (adj.)
    made up of various parts or elements / 복합의
    lasting or continuing for a long time / 영속적인
    extremely bad or severe / 최악의, 최저의
    terrified, shocked / 깜짝 놀라다, 넋이 나간
  • Q8
    melodramatic (adj.)
    kind, generous / 자비로운
    overly dramatic (usually exaggerated) / 지나치게 감정적인; 너무 오바하는
    originally meant "happy" or "cheerful." / 명량한, 즐거운
    brightly shining / 밝은, 빛나는
  • Q9
    moratorium (n.)
    a public vote on a measure proposed or passed by a legislature / 국민 투표, 국민 투표 제도
    effortlessness; quality of doing something well easily / (무언가를 쉽게하는) 능력
    the rejection of religious and moral principles, often resulting in a belief in nothingness and meaninglessness / 허무주의
    suspension of activity; a period of delay / 일시 중지, 유예기간
  • Q10
    underlying (adj.)
    easily controlled / 다루기 쉬운, 유순한
    favorable, not threatening, mild / 친절한, 위협적이지 않은, 온화한
    located beneath or below; not readily apparent / 근원적인, 근본적인
    yielding to the wishes of someone; allowing someone to do whatever he or she wants / 응석을 받아주는, 마음대로 하게 해주는
  • Q11
    incense (v.)
    to represent as less significant or important / ~의 중요성을 축소시켜 설명하다
    to pass on, give / 유증하다, 재산을 남기다
    to fill with love, fascinate, usually used in passive form followed by "of" or "with" / 사랑에 빠지다, 마음을 사로잡다
    to make extremely angry / 화나게 하다
  • Q12
    proclivity (n.)
    dullness; monotony; boredom / 지루함, 단조함, 지루함
    a tendency or inclination towards a particular thing / 선호, 성향
    insincere or hypocritical speech / 점잔 뺀 위선적인 말투; recant-철회하다,부인하다
    a difficult, bad-tempered person / 심술궂은 사람
  • Q13
    discreet (adj.)
    polite and careful in what to do or say / 신중한
    displaying vigor; energetic / 생기있는, 살아 움직이는, 활발한
    like brothers / 형제의, 우애의
    not fully decided or agreed upon yet / 잠정적인; 아직 100% 정해지지 않은
  • Q14
    delve (v.)
    to merge, combine / 혼합하다
    to explore or investigate deeply / 파고들다
    to confuse (someone) very much / 당혹스럽게 하다
    to make attractive or lovable / ~을 사랑받게 하다, ~을 따르게 하다
  • Q15
    synthetic (adj.)
    of or related to settling of dirt or soil / 퇴적물의
    brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly / 간결한
    man-made / 인공적인
    not reciprocated; not given back in exchange / 되돌려지지 않은, 답례를 받지 못한

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