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1st Reading Comprehension Practice

Quiz by Noha Fawzy AbouDahab

Grade 6
English Language Arts
Common Core

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12 questions
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  • Q1
    What kind of book does Ana get?
    a City Guide Book
    an Apartment Book
    a House Book
    a Map Book
  • Q2
    What did Ana consider while looking through the Apartment Book? I. school districts II. amenities III. locations
    II and III
    I and II
    I only
    I, II, and III
  • Q3
    Where is Ana's family staying while they look for a place to call home?
    in a hotel near Mario’s work
    in an apartment close to Mario’s work
    in Ana’s mother’s house
    at an apartment next to Antonio’s school
  • Q4
    What does Ana realize as she looks through the Apartment Book?
    that all the apartments are small and cramped
    that the number of amenities is related to cost
    that it is easy to find a nice apartment in a good school district
    that the nicest apartments are far away
  • Q5
    Why doesn't Ana want to spend too much money on an apartment?
    She cannot find one she likes.
    She wants to save money for a house.
    She does not have the money.
    Her husband will get upset.
  • Q6
    As described in the beginning of the story, which of the following is not mentioned as an amenity?
    fitness center
  • Q7
    What makes Ana like the fifth apartment best?I. It has many amenities.II. It is near Mario’s job.III. It is in a good school district.
    I only
    II and III
    I and II
    I, II, and III
  • Q8
    Where is Antonio while Ana looks at apartments?
    at school
    at the hotel
    at daycare
    at work
  • Q9
    As described in the middle of the story, what does it mean to consider something?
    to read a book about it
    to think about it
    to make it happen
    to rent it
  • Q10
    "When Ana gets back to the hotel, she discussesall that she has seen with Mario."Which of the following is the best way to rewrite the above sentence while keeping its meaning the same?
    When Ana gets back to the hotel, she reads about all she has seen with Mario.
    When Ana leaves the hotel, she talks about all she has seen with Mario.
    When Ana returns to the hotel, she talks about all she has seen with Mario.
    When Ana returns to the hotel, she writes about all she has seen with Mario.
  • Q11
    When will the family move into their new apartment?
    in just over a week
    in three or four days
    at the first of the month
    the next day
  • Q12
    As used at the end of the story, which is the best description of a security deposit?
    money given to the landlord to pay for any damage to the apartment
    money given to landlord to pay for amenities
    money given to the landlord to pay for any damage to the apartment
    money given to landlord to pay for utilities and telephone

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