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2021 AntNZ Permit to Work

Quiz by Celyn

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15 questions
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  • Q1
    Who is responsible for ensuring that you and other workers sign on to all of the necessary permits prior to starting work?
    Chief Fire Officer
    Any team leader
    Permit Receiver
    Engineering Supervisor
  • Q2
    Which type of documents could you look at if you need help filling out Permit documentation?
    SOPs, RAFs, Handbook
    Handbook, RAFs, Field Manual
    SOPs, Other Permits, RAFs
    Role Description, SOPs, Fire Manual
  • Q3
    What are two examples of jobs that must have a Permit to Work at Scott Base?
    Confined Space and Work at Height (High or Critical Risk)
    Kitchen cleaning and Grease Trap cleaning
    RIWE and Tent cleaning
    Welding and Work at Height (Low Risk)
  • Q4
    What happens to a Permit to Work after it is returned?
    Signed off as closed, saved into Discovery, hard copy kept on file
    Closed out by Permit Receiver
    Saved into Discovery and hard copy thrown away
    Signed off as closed and filed onto Desktop
  • Q5
    What is the maximum period of time that a Permit to Work can be issued for?
    3 days
    1 week (7 days)
    1 week (5 days)
    24 hours
  • Q6
    You have received a Permit to Work for a job in and around the Hanger. The Permit specifies that you must wear safety boots. However, the weather has become quite cold and your toes are getting numb and your boot soles are freezing up. What would your best course of action be?
    Stop work for the day and return the permit; you can get one reissued when it is warmer
    Stop work for the day, but hold on to the permit so that you can complete the work when it is warmer
    Carry on working, but take extra care and make sure your team mates are aware of the problem
    Contact the Permit Issuer and discuss the problem
  • Q7
    What is the purpose of a stand-down period for hot work?
    To have a rest after doing hot work
    To ensure no-one touches the great work done
    To ensure hot work gasses have dissipated
    To ensure a fire does not start and the area/atmosphere remains safe
  • Q8
    Name two (2) roles that can approve a Hot Work Permit
    Engineering Supervisor and Base Services Supervisor
    Engineering Supervisor and Fire Chief
    Fire Chief and Medic
    Medic and Programme Support Supervisor
  • Q9
    Does hot work in the Mechanics Workshop require a Hot Work Permit?
  • Q10
    Under what circumstances can you perform Hot Work without a Permit?
    If you have a SOP
    If the work is a critical safety job
    Only in the welding bay
  • Q11
    Under what circumstances can you enter a Confined Space without a Confined Space Entry Permit?
    When you are a member of a Fire Crew
    If you are working under the floor
    If it is winter and nobody is around to see you
  • Q12
    When must you receive a Permit to Work at Height?
    All of these
    If you are conducting notifiable work at height (WorkSafe NZ)
    If you are working without edge protection
    When your Team Leader asks you to do one
  • Q13
    Do you need a Permit to Work when climbing the Wind Turbines?
  • Q14
    Do you need to be Work at Height trained to do work on a Permit to Work at Height?
    Sometimes - depends on the type of job
    NO - the Permit covers the requirements
    NO - as long as I am Supervised
  • Q15

    Why do we use a Permit to Work system?

    We like to complete more forms and paperwork

    Only because health and safety regulations require us to do it

    To ensure everyone's safety when doing High and Critical Risk tasks

    Due to there being so many people involved, we need to ensure it is all documented


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