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2023 CIA #5 Full Review Part 1

Quiz by Angela Brazell

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11 questions
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  • Q1

    Wanted old traditions with new industry to increase Georgia's economy 

    Homer Plessy 

    Bourbon Triumvirate 

    Alonzo Herndon

    Leo Frank 

  • Q2

    He was known as the "voice of the New South" and held International Cotton Expositions 

    Alonzo Herndon 

    Leo Frank 

    Henry Grady 

    Tom Watson 

  • Q3

    What did the International Cotton Expositions do? 

    Attempted to overturn the Leo Frank case decision 

    Showcased Georgia's raw materials to gain industrial investment

    Attempted to overturn the Homer Plessey case decision 

    Researched the root causes of the Atlanta Race Riot 

  • Q4

    He was responsible for the Rural Free Delivery Act. 

    Henry Grady 

    Homer Plessey 

    Leo Frank 

    Tom Watson 

  • Q5

    What did the Plessey v. Ferguson court case decision allow states to do? 

    banned anti-Semitism in public spaces 

    found Atlanta newspapers guilty of inciting racial violence

    legally segregate people in public by race 

    ended public segregation of the races 

  • Q6

    Literacy test, poll tax, Grandfather Clause, and land ownership were all examples of _____. 

    Jim Crow laws 


    loss of civil rights 

    evidence from the Plessey case 

  • Q7

    False newspaper reports of attacks on white women resulted in ___. 

    the Leo Frank case 

    the Atlanta Race Riot 

    loss of civil rights in Atlanta

    the Plessey v. Ferguson case 

  • Q8

    He believed that Blacks should focus on education and improving economically to gain equality.

    WEB DuBois

    Booker T. Washington 

    Homer Plessey 

    Leo Frank 

  • Q9

    He demanded full and immediate equality and rights for Blacks. 

    Booker T. Washington 

    Leo Frank 

    WEB DuBois

    Alonzo Herndon 

  • Q10

    He was born a slave but died a wealthy man due to his ownership of barber shops, real estate properties, and a life insurance company. 

    WEB DuBois

    Leo Frank 

    Alonzo Herndon 

    Booker T. Washington 

  • Q11

    Georgia produced cotton to support the U.S. military in ____. 

    World War I 

    World War II 

    the Great Depression 

    the Civil War 


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