22FW TOEFL D-03 TEST (2차)
Quiz by 서브베테랑스
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100 questions
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- Q1faminea. 급등하는, 급성장하는to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or numberv. 이민을 가다, 이주하다to leave one's native country to settle in another countryn.맥,대theareaofvariationbetweenupperandlowerlimitsonaparticularscale.n. 기근extreme scarcity of food.20s
- Q2regularityn. 규칙적인 패턴the state or quality of being regular.a. 명백한,분명한easilyperceivedorunderstood;clear,self-evident,orapparent.v. 분출하다, 갑자기 발생하다(of a volcano) become active and eject lava, ash, and gases.n. 이민자one that leaves one place to settle in another20s
- Q3triben. 부족, 종족a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leadern. 반역rise in rebellion.a. 적대적인marked by opposition or ill willa. 험준한(ofaclifforrockface)roughanduneven.20s
- Q4vanishn.형성astructureorarrangementofsomething.n. 식민지 주민a settler in or inhabitant of a colonya. 부도덕한, 무원칙한not guided by or showing a concern for what is rightv. 사라지다?disappear suddenly and completely.20s
- Q5droughtn. 탐험, 원정a going from one place to another usually of some distancen. 가뭄a prolonged period of time during which no rain fallsa. 중립의not helping or supporting either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartial.n.결과,영향achangewhichisaresultorconsequenceofanactionorothercause.20s
- Q6absorbn. 조금씩 흐르는 액체to fall or let fall in or as if in dropsv.설명하다provideorserveasasatisfactoryexplanationorreasonforad. 맹렬하게in a savagely violent or aggressive manner.v. 흡수하다take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action.20s
- Q7rainforesta. 비옥한, 기름진producing abundantlyv.창조하다bring(something)intoexistencen. 열대우림a luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found typically in tropical areas with consistently heavy rainfall.v. 헌신하다, 노력을 쏟다give all or a large part of one's time or resources to (a person, activity, or cause).20s
- Q8anthropologistn. 현 체제 지지자faithful to one's friends, country, or governmentn. 충돌, 불화a physical dispute between opposing individuals or groupsn. 인류학자an expert in or student of anthropology.a. 녹은(especiallyofmaterialswithahighmeltingpoint,suchasmetalandglass)liquefiedbyheat.20s
- Q9virtuallya. 화성의relatingtoorinvolvingvolcanicprocesses.n. 목장 주인a person who owns or runs a ranch.Ad. 사실상, 거의nearly; almost.n. 재산, 소유물possessions collectively20s
- Q10simultaneouslyn. 대표typical of a class, group, or body of opinionAd. 동시에at the same time.n. 난투, 소란an unorganized collection or mixture of various thingsv.함유하다,담다haveorhold(someoneorsomething)within.20s
- Q11rudimentaryn. 대초원a broad area of level or rolling treeless countryn. 불만, 고충a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, especially unfair treatment.n.화석theremainsorimpressionofaprehistoricorganismpreservedinpetrifiedformorasamoldorcastinrock.a. 기초적인involving or limited to basic principles.20s
- Q12humblea. 겸손한, 변변찮은having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.n. 입법 기관 the legislative body of a country or state.Ad.최근에atarecenttime;notlongagov. 해고하다, 석방하다tell (someone) officially that they can or must leave a place or situation20s
- Q13cultivatea. ~의 지배를 받는exposed or vulnerable toa. 동등한equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc.v.관련시키다makeorshowaconnectionbetween.v. 경작하다prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening.20s
- Q14domesticatev. 길들이다, 재배하다tame (an animal) and keep it as a pet or for farm produce.v. 긁다, 할퀴다score or mark the surface of (something) with a sharp or pointed objectn. 상대, 대응 관계에 있는 것a person or thing complementary to or corresponding to anothern.침식processoferodingorbeingerodedbywind,water,orothernaturalagents20s
- Q15relianta. 의존하는dependent on someone or something.v.적게하다,줄이다makesmallerorlessinamount,degree,orsize.a. 메마른, 결핍한(of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality.Ad. 멀리, 아득히at or to a distance.20s