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'23 Summer writing test practice

Quiz by Joe Kelly

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20 questions
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  • Q1

    What is the 20th step in the 22-step structure?

    Thesis Statement�

    Restatement of thesis�

    Trans out

    Lead out

  • Q2

    What are the 4 of 6 Ws are looked for in a Thesis statement?

    How, Why, What, When

    Who, What, Why, When

    Who, What, When, Where

    Who, What, When, How

  • Q3

    Which does Ethos appeal to?

    Ethics and Authority�


    Logic and ethics


  • Q4

    What is the main purpose of the essay map?

    To outline what will be discussed in the essay and what order it will be in.

    To appeal to MAPTAUR, the ancient dinosaur of all maps.�

    To complete the 22-step structure

    To outline the order of the discussed points ONLY

  • Q5

    What information is missing from this Harvard reference? "Chung, C. and Mason, M., 2012. Why do primary school students drop out in poor, rural China? A portrait sketched in a remote mountain village.�32(4), pp.537-545."

    The book it was published in

    The Journal it was published in

    The year it was published

    The Authors dates of birth

  • Q6

    When referring to a book or journal, if you are only referring to a chapter or small section, you do not need to put the page numbers at the end of the reference.

    True or False
  • Q7

    What is the first paragraph type in a standard essay?


    A small man named Helgan always leads the paragraphs.


    Body 1

  • Q8

    When referencing an article in a journal, which do you italicise?�

    The year

    The author name

    The article name

    The journal name

  • Q9

    In regards to positionality, which of these is most likely to be the main factor to consider for a middle-aged, urban-born Chinese Male, from a middle-class income regarding the topic of poverty in rural Chinese areas?

    Positive- He can be more objective due to him not having any pre-established connections to the community. Negative - They lack a connection or deeper insight into the community.�

    Positive - He is Chinese and therefore can connect with other Chinese easily. Negative - He is middle-aged and cannot never understand modern problems objectively.

    Positive- He is rich and, therefore, can fix the problems. Negative - He is Urban born and cannot connect to the poorer rural community�

    Positive - He is connected to the community and has a deeper insight into poverty. Negative - He only has a male perspective of poverty.

  • Q10

    Why may a Narrow-Wide focus change be more effective in a short essay?

    You may use a specific example to highlight a key challenge or issue that applies to a larger context. This is more effective in a shorter essay, given the typically broader nature of short essays, as they do not allow for in-depth analysis.�

    Short essays are generally broad, so you want to get to the essay as quickly as possible.

    Personal stories are always a good idea, so you should start with a narrow personal story and then you must transition to broader scope as you started narrow.

    You may use a general example to highlight a key challenge or issue in a specific context. This is more effective in a shorter essay, given the typically narrower nature of short essays, as they allow for in-depth analysis.�

  • Q11

    Select 2 OTHER lead in techniques (Personal story)

    Fact and Opinion

    Quote and Pikachu

    Quote and Background information

    Contrast and Old saying

  • Q12

    Which of these writing styles should be used in academic writing?

    4th person

    2nd person

    3rd person

    1st person

  • Q13

    Why should you be careful in how you present your evidence?

    Evidence is always simple, so I need to showcase it

    Evidence presentation changes how its viewed; I can present/manipulate the evidence to support my points over others.

    Evidence provides support for my points, but not all evidence supports my points, so I should change evidence so ALL evidence supports my points.

    Readers may not be fully aware of the context and cannot connect evidence to points themselves.�

  • Q14

    How does PEP structure work?

    You tell your reader the point in point 1, support it with evidence in E2 and then expand with the restate in point 3

    You outline your main point in point 1, support it with evidence in E2 and then expand with the new evidence in point 3

    You outline your main point in point 1, complete the structure with evidence in E2 and then restate the point in point 3

    You explain in depth in point 1, complete the structure with evidence in E2 and then expand with the new evidence in point 3

  • Q15

    The topic line's purpose is to briefly introduce the topic of the body paragraph.

    True or False

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