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3.12 George Washington

Quiz by Laura Ramos

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  • Q1
    Statement A: “Congress shall not make or declare war, or authorize acts of hostility against any foreign nation, without the concurrence of two-thirds of both Houses…” Statement B: “Observe good faith and justice toward all nations…It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances.” Statement C: “Give me liberty or give me death.” Statement D: “For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.” Which statement describes President Washington’s foreign policy?
    Statement A
    Statement B
    Statement D
    Statement C
  • Q2
    What compromise did Congress reach in establishing a court system?
    The Supreme Court would decide on federal government issues, and the state courts would decide on Constitutional issues.
    States kept their own laws and courts, but federal courts could reverse state decisions.
    Federal and state courts would share the same powers.
    State courts had less power, but they could overrule the decisions made by the federal courts.
  • Q3
    Read the excerpt by Mercy Otis Warren: "...We have struggled for liberty and made costly sacrifices at her shrine: and there are still many among us who revere her name (value liberty) too much to relinquish (beyond a certain medium) the rights of man for the Dignity of Government." Which statement is best supported by this quote?
    Government is based on a contract between the people and the ruler.
    A bill of rights should be added to the Constitution to protect individual liberties.
    Some powers of government should be reserved for the states.
    The nation will be in a state of disorder without a strong central government.
  • Q4
    Read the following passage from the Treaty of Greenville (1795): “The Indian tribes who have a right to those lands, are quietly to enjoy them, hunting, planting, and dwelling thereon…but when those tribes…shall…sell their lands they are to be sold only to the United States; and until such sale, the United States will protect all the said Indian tribes…against all citizens of the United States…” What were Native Americans promised in this document?
    protection until their land was sold
    profits from the sale of their lands
    the rights of citizenship
    permanent ownership of their land
  • Q5
    Which statement best completes this graphic organizer?
    Question Image
    Citizens learn that changes in laws need to occur through peaceful and constitutional means.
    Rioters are deprived of their freedom of speech.
    The federal government is made aware that state governments are more powerful.
    The Constitution is amended to prevent interference by the federal government in public protests.
  • Q6
    What was it called when there was a large uprising of farmers in the West due to a certain tax?
    Shay's Rebellion
    the Whiskey Rebellion
    Bacon's Rebellion
    Brown's Rebellion
  • Q7
    Which of the following is true of Washington's 1796 Farewell Address?
    He warned against the dangers of permanent foreign alliances.
    He warmly endorsed the appearance of two political parties in America.
    He proposed a two-term limit on the presidency.
    It was delivered to a joint session of Congress by Washington himself.
  • Q8
    Which of the following is NOT a precedent set by George Washington?
    serving two terms
    being addressed as "your highness"
    setting foreign policy
    creating a cabinet
  • Q9
    In what treaty did Spain allow the U.S to use the Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans in exchange for a promise of peace?
    Pinckney's Treaty
    Treaty of Paris
    Jay's Treaty
    The Greenville Treaty
  • Q10
    In order to get the South to agree to assist in paying off all the States' debt from the Revolutionary War, what did Washington and Hamilton have to agree to?
    moving the capital to Washington D.C.
    letting the southern states have more votes in congress
    naming Thomas Jefferson the next president
    opening a national bank

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