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3-24 Meats

Quiz by Timothy Tatsch

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Plants enzymes such as papain, bromelain and ficin are utilized in meat products as:
    Coloring agents used to "perk up" external meat color and make it more consumer appealing to customers.
    Citrus flavorings for Asian type dishes
  • Q2
    What is the temperature danger zone which most food borne pathogen it back to you will thrive?
    Depends upon the species, product, and cooking method and berries from region to region
    40°F to 140°F
    40°C to 140°C
    51°F to 175°F
  • Q3
    A HACCP plan has seven principles. Which of the following is an example of one of the seven principles?
    Conduct a hazard analysis
    Identify critical areas of sanitation deficiencies
    Record daily customer complaints
    Monitor changes in chain speed and line worker efficiency
  • Q4
    Which of the following cooking methods is more appropriate for steaks and chops?
    Deep fat frying
  • Q5
    Which of the following is an NOT one of the three ways frozen meat should be thawed?
    In a microwave oven
    In cold water
    In a refrigerator
    Under Luke warm to hot running water
  • Q6
    Why would one use a starter culture in a processed meats product?
    To significantly reduce the time required for thermal processing of the product
    To remove any crazy off-flavors caused by overmixing the meat product
    To begin the process of dry aging of a reduced sodium product
    To add a tangy flavor and reduce the pH help reduce the rate of harmful bacteria growth
  • Q7
    Which of the following pathogenic bacteria causes foodborne illness buy food intoxication and not buy food infection?
    Escherichia coli
    Clostridium botulinum
    Listeria monocytogens
    Trichinella spirallis
  • Q8
    Which of the following is not a benefit of curing additives?
    They are used for preserving meats
    They are essentially the manufacturing process meet such as bacon, ham and sausages
    They are used to minimize the fat loss of overmixed emulsified sausages
    They can stabilize texture and flavor and processed meat products
  • Q9
    Potassium sorbate if you lysed in meat products to:
    Retard the mold growth on the outside of dried sausages
    Increase the saltiness of fermented semi dry and dry sausage products
    Aid in the binding of lean meat tissues and processed meat products
    Increase the mixing efficiency of emulsified variety meat-based breakfast sausages
  • Q10
    Cooking temperature for meat product should not be too high because what can occur if they are?
    Decrease cooking loss, greater juiciness, lower shear values, increased tenderness, minimal shrinkage, less binding of salt soluble proteins, increased cooking times, less intense warmed over flavors and higher yield efficiency
    More pathogenic bacteria appearing on the surface
    Decrease cooking loss and greater palatability
    Increase cooking loss and shrinkage as well as decreased tenderness

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