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  • Q1
    One of the most significant impacts of the Magna Carta on the U.S. system of government was the idea that--
    the power of government needs to be limited
    tyrannical governments were acceptable to citizens
    the executive branch needed to have the most power
    all taxes were considered to be against the law
  • Q2
    The Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that “excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.” These ideas are also found in which of these historic documents?
    Mayflower Compact
    English Bill of Rights
    Federalist Paper No. 10
    Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
  • Q3
    According to the information below, the English Bill of Rights most influenced the writings of the--
    Question Image
    The United States Constitution
    The Magna Carta
    The U.S. Bill of Rights
    Federalist Papers
  • Q4
    The information from the excerpt below most influenced what aspect of the U.S. system of government?
    Question Image
    The Magna Carta
    Federalist Papers
    The U.S. Bill of Rights
    The United States Constitution
  • Q5
    Which of the following best identifies the influence of the Mayflower Compact on the U.S. system of government?
    Question Image
    The men agreed on the laws for the new colony and this idea of self-government guided the authors of the U.S. Constitution.
    The Compact pledged allegiance to God, which influenced the United States Bill of Rights to support the Christian faith.
    It established a system of trade that future Presidents, such as George Washington and Andrew Jackson, would continue with Europe.
    The acts that were established by the Compact were used by Parliament to enact laws on the thirteen colonies.
  • Q6
    This thirteenth century document, the ________________, outlined grievances against a tyrannical king and was later important in the wording of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. (8.15A)
    Petition of Right
    Declaration of Independence
    Anti-Federalist Papers
    Magna Carta
  • Q7
    The English Bill of Rights and the U.S. Bill of Rights have similarities. The purpose of both documents was to--
    protect individual liberties and limit the powers of government
    create a standing army to defend the country's borders
    give all men and women the freedom to vote
    give kings and government officials complete control of the citizenry

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