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4-5 Homework

Quiz by Steve Larsen

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4 questions
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  • Q1

    Find the amount that must be taken from recreation and clothing to cover the unexpected cost of $400 to repair your car.  Recreation percent is 14% and Clothing percent is 11%.

    The Recreation Amount Taken is...

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  • Q2

    Find the amount that must be taken from recreation and clothing to cover the unexpected cost of $400 to repair your car.  Recreation percent is 14% and Clothing percent is 11%.

    The Clothing Amount Taken is...

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  • Q3

    Your monthly income is $650 and you have an unexpected hospital bill for $140.  You budget 18% of your income for Recreation and 5% for Clothing.  Will you have enough from these two budget items to cover the expense?



  • Q4

    Your monthly income is $650 and you have an unexpected hospital bill for $140.  You budget 18% of your income for Recreation and 5% for Clothing.  How much money can you use from these two budget items?

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