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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    albedo (n.)
    not morally good or right  / 부도덕한
    having absolute rule/power / 권위주의의, 독재주의의
    the proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface, typically that of a planet or moon / 알베도 ((달·행성이 반사하는 태양 광선의 비율))
    intended to teach or instruct / 교훈적인
  • Q2
    apparatus (n.)
    the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose / 기구, 장치
    showing lack of favoritism; free from undue bias or preconceived opinions / 공정한, 공평한, 편견없는
    extremely dry or lacking in interest / 건조한
    not seeming reasonable or probable / 믿기 어려운
  • Q3
    automated (adj.)
    to prevent the progress or free movement of; to put at a disadvantage / ~을 방해하다; ~가 성공하지 못하도록 조치를 취하다
    to abolish / 폐지하다
    operated by largely automatic equipment / 자동화된
    v. to smile or laugh at someone or something with an expression on your face that shows dislike and a lack of respect / 비웃다, 조롱하다
  • Q4
    reversible (adj.)
    a journey to a faraway place, usually by sea / (바다로) 여행하다
    capable of being reversed so that the previous state or situation is restored / 되돌릴 수 있는
    doubt or disbelief in the truth or validity of something / 회의
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things / 딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
  • Q5
    unfeasible (adj.)
    to grow prosperous / 번창하다
    inconvenient or impractical / 실행할 수 없는
    to swing back and forth between two points or ideas / 흔들다, 동요하다
    to deprive of voting rights / ~의 (투표) 권리를 박탈하다; ~의 참정권을 박탈하다
  • Q6
    controversial (adj.)
    to endure or offer resistance to somebody or something / ~을 견디다
    giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement / 논란이 많은
    to come together or gather as a larger group / ~을 모으다, (더 큰 그룹으로) 모이다
    to arrest someone for a crime, or to understand or perceive something / 체포하다
  • Q7
    airborne (adj.)
    transported by air / 공기로 운반되는
    to help develop and grow / 육성하다, 키우다
    to terminate or cancel prematurely / 중단하다
    to combine, strengthen / 강화하다
  • Q8
    hazard (n.)
    a potential source of danger / 위험
    standing apart; showing lack of emotional involvement / 분리된, 떨어진; 본인 일이 아닌 것 처럼 행동하는
    of momentous or ominous significance / 전조적인
    occurring, operating, or done at the same time / 동시에
  • Q9
    deteriorate (v.)
    a contest, dispute, competition, etc., in which neither side can gain an advantage or win / 교착상태
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in similar circumstances / 전례
    a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will / 원한
    become progressively worse / 악화되다
  • Q10
    apparent (adj.)
    logical, consistent / 일관성 있는
    derived from experience or the experience of existence / 경험의, 경험상의
    extremely wicked, abhorrent / 악랄한
    clearly visible or understood, obvious / 분명한, 누가 봐도 알 수 있는
  • Q11
    distinction (n.)
    increasing rapidly, growing exponentially / 기하급수적인
    coming together; meeting at a point / 수렴하는
    a difference or contrast between similar things or people / 차이
    having deep meaning or significance / 심오한
  • Q12
    trajectory (n.)
    to make (someone) unable to think and behave normally / 중독시키다
    the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces / 탄도, 궤적, 궤도
    to show or display / ~을 전시하다, ~를 보여주다
    to happen or appear repeatedly / 되풀이되다
  • Q13
    coincidental (adj.)
    uninterrupted, not ending / 그칠 새 없는, 끊임없는, 부단한, 멈추지 않는
    relevant, closely related / 적절한
    unclear / 애매한
    happening or existing at the same time / 동시에 일어나는
  • Q14
    dissimilarity (n.)
    1. to gradually trespass upon the property, domain or rights of another 2. to advance beyond proper, established; or usual limits / 침해하다
    difference, variance / 차이점
    to include; to make a part of something / ~을 포함시키다; 전체에 일부를 포함시키다
    to support from collapsing (structure, belief) / ~을 유지하다, 지탱하다
  • Q15
    celestial (adj.)
    attracting or delighting; interacting with / 상냥한, 매력 있는; ~와 상호 작용하는
    distrustful and cautious / ~을 경계하는, ~을 조심하는
    causing confusion or surprise / 혼란스러운
    positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy / 하늘의, 천체의

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