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5th Grade Social Studies Ch. 9 Review

Quiz by Immaculada Bruce

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22 questions
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  • Q1
    Why was Paine's "Common Sense" convincing to many people?
    it predicted defeat of the Americans
    it was easy to understand
    it provided a peaceful solution
    it was a legal document
  • Q2
    Why was signing the Declaration of Independence a dangerous act?
    those who signed belonged to no country
    it was an agreement with King George III
    Britain viewed those who signed as traitors
    there was a chance not many would sign
  • Q3
    How did the American victory at Saratoga affect the war?
    France became and American ally and joined the war
    British took control of the Hudson River
    Americans took control of Lake Champlain
    British hired more mercenaries
  • Q4
    What does the Declaration of Independence say about Britain?
    the kind has no authority
    the king abused his power
    Parliament has no vote
    Parliament is in control
  • Q5
    How did Washington force the British out of Boston?
    Washington put cannons on hills above the city
    Green Mountain Boys captured German mercenaries
    Ethan Allen and his men attacked the city
    Washington's army constantly raided the British army in Boston
  • Q6
    How did the victory at Trenton affect Americans?
    Americans were anxious to end the war
    Americans made it through the winter
    Americans had renewed hope
    Americans lost hope
  • Q7
    Which of the following resulted from Paine's "Common Sense"?
    John Hancock presided over the Second Continental Congress
    Declaration of Independence was drafted
    Congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George III
    George Washington took command of the Continental Army
  • Q8
    What was Prince Hall known for?
    he fought for the British
    he gave his life at Bunker Hill
    he led the struggle to end slavery
    he helped move the cannons
  • Q9
    Which of the following is the main argument in the Declaration of Independence?
    people have the right to choose to be independent or not
    people have the right to choose who will be their leader
    people are born with rights that cannot be taken away
    all people have the same rights
  • Q10
    Which of the following was NOT a decision made by the Second Continental Congress?
    forming an army
    declaring defeat
    electing an army commander
    declaring independence
  • Q11
    What role did African American Patriots play in the war?
    struggled to end slavery
    fought in almost every battle of the war
    did not defend forts
    as slaves, they were not allowed to fight
  • Q12
    Which of the following was NOT one of the contributions made by women during the American Revolution?
    built forts
    wrote poetry
    repaired socks
    delivered water
  • Q13
    What resulted from the American victory at Yorktown?
    Americans were prepared to win another battle
    British continued to move North
    British strengthened their troops
    American Revolution ended
  • Q14
    Which two European groups fought against the British with the Americans?
    the Italians and the Swiss
    the French and the Spanish
    the Dutch and the Germans
    the French and the Italians
  • Q15
    Why did winning the battle at Saratoga convince other nations to help the Americans?
    it showed Americans had a chance to defeat Britain
    it showed British were as strong as ever
    it didn't have any effect on other nations
    it showed American can pay others to fight with them

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