6th Grade- Exam B: World Geography, Age of Exploration and Native American Culture
Quiz by Charity Johnson
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68 questions
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- Q1Which of the following countries was NOT a major participant in the Age of Exploration?SpainGreeceEnglandPortugal30s
- Q2Which tool was used by European explorers to measure latitude while at sea? A picture is shown below:Lateen sailCaravelMagnetic compassAstrolabe30s
- Q3Which tool was used by European explorers to sail in any direction? A picture is shown below:CrossAstrolabeLateen sailMagnetic compass30s
- Q4Which tool was used by European explorers to determine direction and could be used even during bad weather? A picture is shown below:Lateen sailCaravelAstrolabeMagnetic compass30s
- Q5What was the name of the ship that was popular with explorers for it's speed and size?CaravelBuccaneerCartographerDoldrums30s
- Q6On a ship there was a strict hierarchy, who was in charge?PageCaptainBoatswainLieutenant30s
- Q7The lifeblood of the crew on the ship was made of men who served as __________________CarpentersBarbersApprenticesSailors30s
- Q8Whose orders were considered law on board the ship?PageCaptainBoatswainLieutenant30s
- Q9Whose job was it to enforce the Captain's orders?CaptainLieutenantBoatswainPage30s
- Q10Who was at the bottom of the crew and completed the mundane and sometimes dangerous jobs?CarpentersApprenticesSailorsBarbers30s
- Q11Who was responsible for cutting hair, performing surgery and at times pull teeth?CarpentersApprenticesSailorsBarbers30s
- Q12Who was responsible for providing food for the crew?CooksApprenticesSailorsBarbers30s
- Q13TRUE or FALSE: Food on board a ship was very nutritious and delicious.TrueFalse30s
- Q14Which disease below was called the "scourge of the seas?"ScurvyMeaslesSmall PoxCholera30s
- Q15What new type of sleeping arrangement option did Columbus bring back from the New World that became very popular with sailors?Rocking ChairLoft bedsBunk bedsHammock30s