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Quiz by Kwok Louie

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55 questions
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  • Q1
    How do you properly remove the plastic frame of a laptop?
    Forcefully pull the frame off with your hands.
    Use a metal screwdriver to wedge the frame off.
    Carefully use a plastic opening tool to gently pry the frame away from the laptop body.
    Ignore the frame and move on to other components.
  • Q2
    Why is it recommended to follow a specific sequence when removing the plastic frame of a laptop?
    To speed up the process of frame removal.
    To avoid damaging delicate components or causing misalignment issues.
    To change the appearance of the laptop.
    To test the flexibility of the frame.
  • Q3
    What tool is commonly used to remove the plastic frame of a laptop?
    A hammer and chisel.
    A plastic spudger or opening tool.
    Bare hands without any tools.
    A metal crowbar.
  • Q4
    What is the main risk associated with removing the plastic frame of a laptop without proper care?
    Improving the laptop's performance.
    Accidentally damaging the fragile connectors or wiring inside the laptop.
    Enhancing the laptop's aesthetics.
    Increasing the laptop's storage capacity.
  • Q5
    What should you do if you encounter resistance while removing the plastic frame of a laptop?
    Apply more force to overcome the resistance.
    Ignore the resistance and proceed quickly.
    Stop immediately and reassess the method to avoid causing damage.
    Continue with the same method until the frame comes off.
  • Q6
    What type of information is usually included in the 'Safety and Regulatory Information' section of a laptop manual?
    List of recommended accessories
    Warnings about potential hazards, compliance with safety standards, and regulatory certifications
    Tips for improving laptop performance
    Steps for troubleshooting common software issues
  • Q7
    Which of the following is a feature commonly found in secure digital memory cards to protect data integrity?
    External cooling system
    Battery backup
    Write protection switch
    Infrared connectivity
  • Q8
    Which of the following is a type of secure digital memory card commonly used in digital cameras?
    Floppy disk
    SD card
    USB flash drive
    Compact Disc (CD)
  • Q9
    What does SIM stand for in SIM card?
    Subscriber Identity Module
    Signal Integration Module
    System Information Module
    Security Information Module
  • Q10
    What is the function of a SIM card in a mobile device?
    To charge the phone battery wirelessly
    To provide internet access
    To improve camera quality
    To store subscriber information and authenticate the user on a mobile network
  • Q11
    Which of the following technologies allows users to switch between different mobile network operators without physically changing SIM cards?
    Nano SIM card
    SD card
    Micro SIM card
    eSIM card
  • Q12
    Which type of devices are commonly equipped with eSIM technology?
    Smartphones and smartwatches
    Laptops and desktop computers
    Gaming consoles and drones
    Digital cameras and MP3 players
  • Q13
    What is one potential drawback of using eSIM technology on devices?
    Higher cost compared to traditional SIM cards
    Increased risk of data breach
    Limited compatibility with older devices
    Decreased network coverage
  • Q14
    How does an eSIM card differ from a traditional physical SIM card?
    eSIM cards are embedded in the device and do not require physical swapping to change mobile network operators.
    eSIM cards can only be used in specific countries
    eSIM cards are larger in size than physical SIM cards
    eSIM cards have a shorter lifespan than physical SIM cards
  • Q15
    How can overcharging affect a cell phone battery?
    It can increase battery capacity
    It can make the battery last longer
    It can reduce battery lifespan
    It has no effect on the battery

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