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7th Ch. 8 "Jesus, Model of Wisdom" and The Beatitudes

Quiz by Rosemary Gazda

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    Collection of Jesus' teachings in the Gospel of Matthew
    Sermon on the Mount
  • Q2
    Probable location of the Sermon on the Mount
    Mount Eremos
  • Q3
    Simple stories to explain a deeper meaning
  • Q4
    Jesus' teachings on true happiness in Matthew and Luke
  • Q5
    Jesus used this parable to illustrate the idea of loving your neighbor as yourself.
    Parable of the Mustard Seed
    Parable of the Prodigal Son
    Parable of the Talents
    Parable of the Good Samaritan
  • Q6
    Jesus compared living according to his words to this.
    ignoring stereotypes of others
    building a house on solid rock
    safe sailing on a stormy sea
    preaching from a mountain top
  • Q7
    In the Beatitudes, Jesus says we will find true happiness when this happens.
    we change our point of view
    we read the parables
    we experience good luck
    God's kingdom becomes real
  • Q8
    The word beatitude means this.
    God's kingdom
    strong foundation
    blessedness, happiness
  • Q9
    The parable of the Good Samaritan did this.
    encouraged Jesus' listeners
    calmed Jesus' listeners
    annoyed Jesus' listeners
    surprised Jesus' listeners
  • Q10
    The Beatitudes are found in the following Gospels
    Matthew , Mark, Luke, and John
    Matthew and Luke
    Matthew and Mark
    Mark and John
  • Q11
    Jesus used parables to teach moral lessons that were
    easy to understand
    comparable in understanding
    familiar in understanding
    difficult to understand
  • Q12
    The teachings of the Beatitudes speak of this.
    punishments that result from giving into temptation
    religious leaders trying to trap Jesus in his words
    social and cultural stereotypes form Jesus' time
    happiness that comes from trusting God
  • Q13
    The Beatitudes point us towards this.
  • Q14
    The Beatitude "Blessed are the poor in spirit" means this.
    being humble and content - not attached to material things
    asking for God's help when you are hurting
    standing up for God and doing what he wants
    forgiving easily - showing care and concern for others
  • Q15
    The Beatitude "Blessed are those who mourn" means this.
    asking for God's help when you are hurting - being sad about sinning
    finding ways to end conflicts
    concern for goodness and justice
    having pure thoughts, words, and actions

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