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7th November Saints

Quiz by Rosemary Gazda

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  • Q1
    ** Benedictine nun with deep love for Holy Souls in Purgatory ** Recorded mystical experiences of Jesus’ Apostle John at Last Supper ** Only female saint to be called “the Great”
    St. Winifred
    St. Catherine
    St. Rose
    St. Gertrude
  • Q2
    ** Led effort to fight Protestant Reformation ** Used family fortune to feed starving people during famine ** When money ran out took out loans, going into debt ** During public processions wore rope around neck as sign of penance
    St. Stanislaus Kostka
    St. John Berchmans
    St. Catherine Laboure
    St. Charles Borromeo
  • Q3
    ** Used vocation as doctor to serve poor ** Sent money home with patients who couldn’t afford medication ** Carried rosary in pocket to keep Blessed Lady and Jesus close ** Did research leading to discovery of insulin
    St. Charles Borromeo
    St. Martin of Tours
    St. Stanislaus Kostka
    St. Joseph Moscati
  • Q4
    ** Had dream of Jesus putting ring on her finger as young girl ** Became Catholic/ Protested persecution of Christians ** Sentenced to death when refusing to marry emperor ** Blades of execution machine destroyed by angel
    St. Catherine of Alexandria
    St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
    St. Gertrude the Great
    St. Winifred of Wales
  • Q5
    ** Named after Jesus’ cousin, the baptizer ** Rose early to serve Masses before school ** Known for reverence as altar server and devotion to Holy Mass ** Patron of altar servers
    St. Martin of Tours
    St. John Berchmans
    St. Charles Borromeo
    St. Joseph Moscati
  • Q6
    ** Joined convent / Had goal to work with indigenous-native peoples ** Founded boarding school / Opened free school ** Achieved long awaited goal, opening school for Native Americans ** called “the woman who is always praying “
    St. Gertrude the Great
    St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
    St. Catherine of Alexandria
    St. Catherine Laboure
  • Q7
    ** Forced to serve in army at age 15 ** Met beggar shivering from cold - cut cloak giving half to poor man ** In dream, saw Jesus wearing piece of cape he had given away ** Discharged from army - Patron of soldiers
    St. John Berchmans
    St. Martin of Tours
    St. Joseph Moscati
    St. Stanislaus Kostka
  • Q8
    ** Prince she refused to marry struck her head off with sword, out of anger ** Miraculously healed after uncle who inspired her spiritual life prayed to God ** Spring of healing water sprang forth where head fell ** Holy Well site for pilgrims / cures reported
    St. Gertrude the Great
    St. Catherine of Alexandria
    St. Winifred of Wales
    St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
  • Q9
    ** Rose at 4:00 a.m. daily, walking several miles, to assist at Mass ** Had vision of Our Lady describing miraculous medal ** Mary told how to have medal made with her image on one side / Image of Hearts of Mary and Jesus on other side
    St. Winifred of Wales
    St. Charles Borromeo
    St. Catherine Laboure
    St. John Berchmans
  • Q10
    ** Became ill while attending Jesuit college ** Had vision of angels bringing Communion to him ** Cured by Blessed Virgin Mary who asked him to become priest in Society of Jesus ** Devoted to Mary / Died of Feast of Mary’s Assumption
    St. Stanislaus Kostka
    St. John Berchmans
    St. Charles Borromeo
    St. Joseph Moscati

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