8 Megumi SCIENCE Vegetative Propagation PART 1 and 2
Quiz by megumi kaye deniega
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- Q1
A leaf is cut from its parent plant
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A new plant that sprouts from the base of roots of the parent plant.
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Underground stems which puts out lateral shoots that can develop into new plants.
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An underground enlarged parts of a plant that has buds.
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A fleshy underground stem that is used to store food for the plant.
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A stem portion of a plants that grow above the ground and horizontally.
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Healthy young branch with a few nodes from a parent plant.
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A stem of a plant is lowered into the ground and covered with soil.
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Joining two cut plants of the same species together.
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Have the roots and planted on the ground or soil.
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The part with the bud chosen for its top qualities
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