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  • Q1
    What is the definition of sectionalism ?
    An extreme pride in a country
    A belief in no government
    An exaggerated devotion to a region
    A belief that the government should be ran by the people
  • Q2
    Using this map, it can BEST be determined
    Question Image
    Northern states supported the Northern Democratic Party.
    Southerners did not support the Republican Party.
    The lack of women's suffrage supporters played a major role in Bell's defeat.
    All slave states supported the Southern Democratic Party.
  • Q3
    "Bleeding Kansas is BEST described as
    Question Image
    The conflict between immigrants and natives.
    The conflict between "Free-Soilers" and slavery supporters.
    The conflict between abolitionists and slavery supporters.
    The conflict between Republicans and Democrats.
  • Q4
    During the Antebellum era, the principle of popular sovereignty meant that whether a . territory allowed slavery would be left up to
    The United States Supreme Court.
    the citizens' votes in the territory.
    the United States Senate.
    the President most recently elected.
  • Q5
    Which statement about the effects of the Supreme Court's decision in Dred Scott v. Snaford is TRUE?
    The decision had little impact on the sectional conflict between the north and south during this period
    The decision can be considered a victory for the northern abolitionists.
    The Supreme Court voted unanimously to emancipate (free) Scott.
    The decision can be considered a victory for southern pro-slavery factions.
  • Q6
    When his owner took him into a free state, ____________ took the opportunity to sue for his freedom.
    Question Image
    Frederick Douglass
    Dred Scott
    Stephen Douglas
    Nat Turner
  • Q7
    Aboltionists often opposed annexation of western territories because they
    feared the addition of antislavery states.
    feared the extension of slavery.
    thought the land was too far away to govern efficiently.
    wanted to protect the Natives from British attacks.
  • Q8
    Which of the following men attacked Harper's Ferry in hopes of obtaining ammunition and causing a slave revolt?
    Question Image
    John Brown
    Nat Turner
    Denmark Vesey
    Jesse James
  • Q9
    What was the main argument Southerners made in defense of slavery?
    It was up to the states to deal with the use of slavery because it was provided for in the Constitution.
    If the founding fathers had slaves, it should be OK for people who lived in the 1850s.
    Slavery was good because the enslaved were taken care of for life and it was a major component of the Southern economic system.
    The right to own slaves was guaranteed under the First Amendment of the United States.
  • Q10
    Which BEST describes the efforts of William Lloyd Garrison?
    Advocated for educational reform in rural areas of the US
    Organized an unsuccessful slave revolt in 1826
    Urged immediate emancipation of slaves in the United States.
    Advocated the settling of Liberia by feed slaves
  • Q11
    When Virginia and Kentucy in the late 1700s and South Carolina in the 1830s refused to follow federal law, they were practicing
    Popular sovereignty
    checks and balances
  • Q12
    The nullification Crisis of 1832 centered around
    Decreased trade with the French.
    Southern opposition to tariffs.
    Jackson's War on the Bank.
    The annexation of Texas.
  • Q13
    This law, which allowed territories to decide the fate of slavery based on popular sovereignty, unintentioanlly had the effect of increasing tensions between pro-slavery and antislavery forces as they rushed west and had violent clashes over control of territory.
    Compromise of 1850
    Northwest Ordinance
    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Fugitive Slave Act
  • Q14
    Why did Southern states object ot and resist the rarifs of 1828 and 1832
    Southerners were forced to pay increased taxes on slaves they imported from African and the Caribbean.
    The tariffs eventually brought an end to the slave trade.
    Southerners had to pay much higher prices on imported goods from countries affected by the tariffs.
    The tariffs were on goods shipped in from northern states.
  • Q15
    Which event finally caused South Carolina to secede from the United States in 1860?
    The Missouri Compromise
    The firing on Ft. Sumter
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The election of Abraham Lincoln

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