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[8/5] Day40 Vocab Test (ADV)

Quiz by 베테랑스 어학원

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  • Q1
    cuisine (n.)
    attitude and action / 태도/행동
    style of cooking associated with region/culture / 특정 지역/문화의 요리 스타일
    memory, or recall of a memory / 기억, 혹은 기억한다는 것
    leaving out of something; something that is left out / 생략, 생략된 것
  • Q2
    demeanor (n.)
    something (like money) given as payment/reward / 보상
    a deal or agreement / 계획, 약속, 계약
    remains of something brokenn up or destroyed / 잔해
    attitude and action / 태도/행동
  • Q3
    lavish (adj.)
    luxurious/expensive / 사치스러운
    involving or likely to cause controversy or disagreement / 이견이 분분한
    combined into one whole / 통합된, 합병된
    feeling anxiety or nervousness / ~을 걱정하는
  • Q4
    inflate (v.)
    to fix (so it doesn't move); to make firmer / ~을 지지하다, ~을 고정시키다
    to make appear more important/significant / ~를 부풀리다
    to fix (so it doesn't move); to make firmer / ~을 지지하다, ~을 고정시키다
    to put in; to exercise effort / ~을 가하다
  • Q5
    gesture (n.)
    emptiness; space containing nothing / 허공, 공허
    a deformation, change, or manipulation of something (usually negative) / 뒤틀림
    a hypothesis, theory, or claim put forth with little evidence / (근거없는) 추측
    small action, usually signifying something / (뭔가를 나타내는) 작은 행동, 손짓, 몸짓
  • Q6
    convey (v.)
    to exaggerate for dramatic effect / ~을 극적으로 과장하다
    to stir up, usually to cause action / 관심 혹은 감정을 일으키다
    to become similar to; to act like others do / ~와 일치하게 하다
    to show, to communicate / (내용, 의미 등을) 전달하다
  • Q7
    stress (v.)
    to emphasize / 강조하다
    to reach a decision with determination / ~할 결심을 내리다
    to think / 생각하다
    to think / 생각하다
  • Q8
    diverge (v.)
    give encouragement to / ~에게 용기를 주다, ~을 격려하다
    to help develop and grow / 육성하다, 키우다
    to separate into two paths/types/forms / 두 갈래/종류로 나뉘다
    to promote the growth of; to help develop or progress more / ~를 더 발전시키다; ~의 성장에 기여하다
  • Q9
    misinterpretation (n.)
    agreement reached by a group as a whole / 합의, (그룹 전체의) 동의
    a plan set in motion; willingness to start ventures / (주로 뭔가를 시작하는) 계획; (무언가를 시작하는) 의지
    attitude and action / 태도/행동
    misunderstanding of something / 오해
  • Q10
    depict (v.)
    to attach firmly / ~을 고정시키다
    to provide evidence; to make real or concrete / ~을 실증하다, ~을 입증하다
    to express strong disapproval of / ~에 대해 강하게 비판하다
    to show, illustrate / (~를) 보여주다
  • Q11
    routine (adj.)
    most desirable possible in given situation / 최적의, 맞춤의
    worse in quality, below / 하등한
    performed regularly / 일상적인
    not satisfied / 불만스러운, 못마땅해하는
  • Q12
    reserved (adj.)
    believing the worst of human nature and motives / 비관적인
    following accepted customs; traditional (the way it's been done) / 관례적인, 원래부터 했었던 방식인
    cheerfully encouraging / 격려하는
    opposite of enthusiastic; not very willing or eager / 소극적인
  • Q13
    sophisticated (adj.)
    better in quality, above / 더 높은 수준의
    based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence / 추측성의
    complex and high-level / 수준이 높고 복잡한/정교한
    without confusion or complexity / 간단한, 단순한
  • Q14
    inquiry (n.)
    lack of concern; no preference to one or the other / 무관심; 선호도가 없는
    a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will / 원한
    question / 질문
    a strong pull / 잡아당김
  • Q15
    recollection (n.)
    a lack / 결핍
    memory, or recall of a memory / 기억, 혹은 기억한다는 것
    position/perspective one holds regarding a subject / 자세; 입장
    the baby of an organism / (동물의) 새끼

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