8th grade review
Quiz by Lucas Millet
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32 questions
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- Q1any substance that kills harmful bacteria or virusesDetergentSoapDisinfectantBleach30s
- Q2a chemical compound used to whiten or make brighterdisinfectantdetergentBleachsoap30s
- Q3a weak base that neutralizes stomach acidsoapbasedetergeantantacid30s
- Q4a water soluble cleaner that emulsifies dirt and oilbleachdisinfectantsoapdetergant30s
- Q5a substance that is used as a cleaner and that dissolves in waterdetergantdisinfectantbleachsoap30s
- Q6the reaction of an acid and a base that produces water and saltsstrong acidweak baseacid/base reactionneutralization reaction30s
- Q7an ionic compound that forms when a metal atom or positive radical replaces the hydrogen of an acidneutralbaseacidsalt30s
- Q8how acidic or basic a substance ismeasurementacidPHbase30s
- Q9any compound that increases the number of hydroxide ions dissolved in waterelectrolytehydroniumacidbase30s
- Q10a substance that dissolves in water that allows a solution to conduct electricitysaltbaseelectrolyteacid30s
- Q11any compound that increases the number of hydronium ions dissolved in waterbaseacidsaltelectrolyte30s
- Q12a compound that changes color due to condition such as PHph scaleindicatorcabbage juiceElizabeth30s
- Q1313. Soaps/detergents are _____________________ compoundsioniccovalentpolarnonpolar30s
- Q14Does bleach remove a stain?yesmaybenosometimes30s
- Q15Bleach should never be mixed with what 2 things?ammonia and acida neutralization reaction and waterammonia and a basea base and an acid30s