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accounts 2

Quiz by Deepika Upadhyay

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12 questions
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  • Q1

    The� part of authorized capital which can be called up only on winding up is known as�

    issued capital


    reserve capital�

    unsubscribed capital

  • Q2

    If a share of rp 10 on which rp 10 is called - up and rp 8 is paid -up , the share is classified as�


    subscribed but� fully paid - up under subscribed capital

    issued capital

    subscribed but not fully paid - up under subscribed capital

  • Q3

    If a share of rp 10 on which rp 8 is called up the share is classified as��

    subscribed but not fully paid up under subscribed capital


    issued capital�

    subscribed but� fully paid up under subscribed capital

  • Q4

    balance in the forfeited shares account is shown in the balance sheet under the head�

    reserves� and surplus�

    unsecured loans

    current liabilities and provisions

    share capital

  • Q5

    When shares are forested , share capital account is debited with

    paid up value of shares

    called- up values of shares

    nominal value of shares

    market value of shares�

  • Q6

    Gain on the forfeited shares that have been reissued is transferred to�

    capital reserve�


    goodwill account

    revenue reserve�

  • Q7

    Shares on which the company has not called the entire nominal value is shown in the note to accounts on share capital under subscribed capital as�

    Subscribed but not fully paid up��

    none of the above�

    any of the above�

    Subscribed but� fully paid up��

  • Q8

    Shares on which the company has� called the entire nominal value and has received it is� shown in the note to accounts on share capital under subscribed capital as�

    any of the above�

    Subscribed but not� fully paid�

    none of the above�

    Subscribed but fully paid�

  • Q9

    Debentures redeemable after 10 years of issue are shown as�

    short term borrowings

    other long - term borrowings

    other short - term borrowings

    long term borrowings

  • Q10

    1,000; 10 % debentures of rp 100 each out of which 500; 10; debentures of rp 100 each shown as long term borrowings are redeemable within 12 months of the date of balance sheet . the debentures to be redeemed will be shown in the current liabilities under :�


    current liabilities and provisions�

    reserves and surplus�

    share capital�

  • Q11

    Indicate the term which appears as short - term provisions��

    provident fund payable�

    provision for tax�


    interest accrued but not due�

  • Q12

    Dividend is paid� on�

    subscribed capital that is paid -up

    authorized capital�

    issued capital�



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