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Active listening skills

Quiz by Michelle Hiscock

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48 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a key element of active listening?
  • Q2
    What is an important aspect of non-verbal communication in active listening?
    Looking away
    Checking your phone
    Maintaining eye contact
  • Q3
    What is the first step in active listening?
    Interrupt the speaker
    Speak your mind
    Pay attention and concentrate
  • Q4
    What is a technique you can use to show active listening?
    Interrupting the speaker
    Changing the topic
    Ignoring the speaker
  • Q5
    What is a common nonverbal behavior that indicates interest and attentiveness in a conversation?
    Maintaining eye contact
    Crossing arms
    Looking away frequently
    Fidgeting with hands
  • Q6
    What nonverbal behavior is commonly used to convey interest and involvement in a conversation?
    Keeping arms crossed
    Leaning forward
    Sitting back with legs crossed
    Avoiding eye contact
  • Q7
    What nonverbal behavior is often associated with discomfort or defensiveness?
    Using hand gestures
    Crossing arms
    Maintaining eye contact
  • Q8
    What nonverbal behavior is commonly used to show agreement or understanding?
    Avoiding eye contact
    Crossing arms
    Tapping fingers on the table
    Nodding the head
  • Q9
    When two college students (18-21 years old) are discussing a disagreement, what should an active listener do?
    Persuade one person to change their opinion
    Respect both viewpoints without taking sides
    Agree with one person and dismiss the other's perspective
    Interrupt and offer an immediate solution
  • Q10
    What is an example of positive feedback on an assignment?
    Receiving praise and recognition for your work
    Being asked to revise and resubmit your assignment
    Having your assignment returned without any comments
    Receiving a low grade
  • Q11
    Which of the following is an example of corrective feedback on an assignment?
    Ignoring the mistakes and focusing only on the positives
    Providing specific suggestions on how to improve
    Praising the student's effort
    Discouraging the student from seeking clarification
  • Q12
    What is a common sign of a toxic relationship?
    Frequent compliments and appreciation
    Equal distribution of responsibilities
    Shared values and beliefs
    Healthy disagreements and conflict resolution
    Isolation from friends and family
  • Q13
    Which of the following is a sign of a healthy relationship?
    Constant arguing
    Frequent jealousy
    Effective communication
    Lack of trust
  • Q14
    What typically happens if a relationship is not attended to for college students (18-21 years old)?
    The relationship remains unchanged
    The relationship becomes stronger
    The couple gets married
    The relationship may deteriorate or end
  • Q15
    What is a potential outcome if a relationship is not given proper attention in college (18-21 years old)?
    Deepened emotional connection
    Higher relationship satisfaction
    Improved communication and problem-solving
    Increased conflicts and misunderstandings

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