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  • Q1

    The following are the PRINCIPLES of grievance machinery EXCEPT:

    I. A grievance shall be resolved expeditiously at all times at the lowest level possible. However, if not settled at the lowest level possible, an aggrieved party shall present his/her grievance step by step following the hierarchy of positions.

    II. The aggrieved party shall be assured freedom from coercion, discrimination, reprisal, and biased action on the grievance.

    III. Grievance proceedings shall not be bound by legal rules and technicalities. Even verbal grievance must be acted upon expeditiously.

    IV. The services of a legal counsel shall  be allowed.

    The head of agency shall ensure equal opportunities for men and women to be represented in the grievance committee.





  • Q2

    In order to create a work atmosphere that is conducive to good supervisor-employee relations and improved employee morale, the grievance machinery shall aim to achieve the following EXCEPT:

    I. Provide legal assistance to personnel 

    II. Activate and strengthen the Department’s existing grievance machinery;

    III. Settle grievances at the lowest possible level in the Department; 

    IV. provide a catalyst for the development of capabilities of personnel to settle disputes.





  • Q3

    A grievance refers to a work-related issue that causes employee dissatisfaction or discontentment. The following instances shall be acted upon through the grievance machinery  EXCEPT for one:

    I. Non-implementation of policies, practices and procedures on economic and financial issues and other terms and conditions of employment fixed by law including salaries, incentives, working hours, leave benefits such as delay in the processing of overtime pay, unreasonable withholding of salaries and inaction on application for leave;

    II. Non-implementation of policies, practices and procedures which affect employees from recruitment to promotion, detail, transfer, retirement, termination, lay-offs, and other related issues that affect them such as failure to observe selection process in appointment and undue delay in the processing of retirement papers;

    III. Physical and Sexual Assault 

    IV. Inadequate physical working conditions such as lack of proper ventilation in the workplace, and insufficient facilities and equipment necessary for the safety and protection of employees whose nature and place of work are classified as high risk or hazardous;

    V. Poor interpersonal relationships and linkages;

    VI. Protest on appointments;

    VII. All other matters giving rise to employee dissatisfaction and discontentment outside of those cases enumerated above.





  • Q4

    Which of the following is NOT true:

    I. The School Grievance Committee shall have original jurisdiction over grievances of teaching personnel in the school that were not orally resolved. Non teaching personnel shall be heard in the District level. 

    II. The District Grievance Committee shall have original jurisdiction over grievances of employees in the district that were not orally resolved. It shall also have appellate jurisdiction over grievances that were not resolved in the School Grievance Committee.

    III. The Schools Division Grievance Committee shall have original jurisdiction over grievances of employees in the division that were not orally resolved. It shall also have appellate jurisdiction over grievances that were not resolved in the District Grievance Committee. .

    IV. The Regional Grievance Committee shall have original jurisdiction over grievances of employees in the region that were not orally resolved. It shall also have appellate jurisdiction over grievances that were not resolved in the Schools Division Grievance Committee.

    V. The Department Grievance Committee shall have original jurisdiction over grievances of employees in the different bureaus/services/centers and offices in the Central Office that were not orally resolved. It shall also have appellate jurisdiction over grievances that were not resolved by the Regional Grievance Committee.





  • Q5

    It is defined as positions in the civil service characterized by (1) entrance based on merit and fitness to be determined as far as practicable by competitive examination, or based on highly technical qualifications; (2) opportunity for advancement to higher career positions; and (3) security of tenure.

    Career Service

    Non Career Service

    First Level Positions

    Presidential Appointees

  • Q6

    It is defined as positions expressly declared by law to be in the non-career service, or those whose entrance in the service is characterized by: (1) entrance on bases other than those of the usual tests of merit and fitness utilized for the career service, and (2) tenure which is limited to a period specified by law, or which is coterminous with that of the appointing authority or subject to his pleasure, or which is limited to the duration of a particular project for which purpose employment was made.

    Third Level Officials

    Presidential Appointees

    Career Positions

    Non- Career Positions

  • Q7

    The procedures for seeking redress of grievance shall be as follows:

    I. Appeal to the Higher Supervisor.

    II. Discussion with Immediate Supervisor

    III. Appeal to the Grievance Committee.

    IV. Appeal to the Civil Service Commission Regional Office.

    V. Appeal to the Secretary of Education


    II,I,III, V,IV



  • Q8

    The following are members of the Schools Division Grievance Committee EXCEPT:

    I. Schools Division Superintendent or his or her designated representative

    II.  District Supervisor/Chair/Coordinator of the district where the grievance originated

    III. The President of the principals' association

    IV. The President of the Schools Division Teachers Association or his or her designated representative.





  • Q9

    The following are Regional Grievance Committee members EXCEPT: 

    I. Regional Director or his/her designated representative

    II. Chief or Head of the Administrative Division

    III. Two (2) division chiefs to be chosen among themselves

    IV. Two (2) members of the rank and file, one from the first level and another from the second level, to be chosen through a general election or any other mode of the like.

    V. Designated Bilis Aksyon Partner

    VI. Legal Officer





  • Q10

    In addition to finding the best way to address specific grievance, the committee shall have the following responsibilities EXCEPT:

     Develop and implement pro-active measures or activities- to prevent grievance such as an employee assembly which shall be conducted at least once every quarter, “talakayan”, counseling and other HRD interventions. Minutes of the proceedings of these activities shall be documented for audit purposes

    Submit a annual report of its accomplishments and status of unresolved grievances to the Civil Service Commission Regional Office concerned.

    Establish its own procedures and strategies. Membership in the grievance committee shall be considered part of the members’ regular duties

    Issue final certification on the Final Action on the Grievance (CFAG). which shall contain, among other things, the history and final action taken by the agency on the

  • Q11

    Identify which is not correct in relation to the Policy Guidelines on Madrasah Education in the K to 12 Basic Education Program

    Madaris is the plural form of the Arabic word “madrasah” which means school.

     Asatidz is the plural form of the Arabic word “ustadz”

    Tahderriyah is the Grade 1-10 program for Muslim children in private madaris that implements ALIVE and Islamic studies.

    “ustadzah”, a term that refers to female teacher

  • Q12

    Identify which is not correct in relation to the Policy Guidelines on Madrasah Education in the K to 12 Basic Education Program

    Qualifying Examination in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies (QEALIS) is an examination administered by the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA) to individuals applying to be asatidz. It is the entry-level requirement for asatidz.

    Arabic Language is taught every day  for 40 minutes; while Islamic Values Education is taught twice a week for 40 minutes.

    Arabic may be included as one of the options for SPFL in Junior High School 

     Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) is a program implemented in public schools which aims to provide additional subjects on Arabic Language and Islamic Values in the regular basic education curriculum.

  • Q13

    It is declared as the national calisthenics, to achieve an active lifestyle among all types of learners ln all key stages. . It is a 4-minute calisthenics routine which shall contribute to the 6O minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) prescribed daily for children 5-17 years of age(WHO Physical Activity Guidelines, 2O2O) 

    Hataw Pinoy

    Galaw Pilipinas

    Physical Fitness Program

    Galaw Pinas

  • Q14

    The logo is designed to help identify Galaw Pilipinas as the national calisthenics exercise. which is NOT CORRECT

    I. The torch and flame symbolize quality education with the learners at the center developing both their physical and socio-emotional well-being.

    II. The four rays represent the Department's core values-maka -Diyos, makatao, makakalikasan, at makabansa.

    III. the Baybayin as one of the ancient indigenous scripts, reflects the appreciation of the rich Philippine culture, thereby symbolizing the inculcation of nationalism among Filipino learners.

    IV. None of the above

    Question Image





  • Q15

    A school may accept late enrollees  provided that the learner will be able to meet __________________of the prescribed number of school days for each school year and the quarterly requirement to pass the grade level as governed by the latest existing applicable DepEd issuances.

    80 percent

    75 percent

    90 percent

    85 percent


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