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Adult Health One Exam 3 part A

Quiz by Brittany

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41 questions
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  • Q1
    In type one diabetes;
    Destruction of Beta cells by WBC and in turn no insulin can get into the cells and glucose builds in blood stream.
    a lack of response from the beta cells to uptake insulin.
  • Q2
    what is a normal glucose ?
  • Q3
    what is hyperglycemia?
    too little blood sugar 20
    Blood sugar greater then 250
    too much blood sugar 200
    too little blood sugar 50
  • Q4
    what is polyuria?
    excessive sweat
    excessive fluid volume
    excessive thirst
    excessive urine
  • Q5
    what is polydipsia
    excessive urine
    excessive eating
    excessive sweating
    excessive thirst
  • Q6
    What is polyphagia
    excessive urine
    excessive eating
    excessive bathing
    excessive thirst
  • Q7
    common sings and symptoms of diabetes
    anxiety, depression, ketoacidosis ( type one) cataracts
    neuropathy, vision problems, ketoacidosis ( type one) , Retinopathy, high BMI
    kidney failure, hearing problems, eating disorder, tiredness
    vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal growth spurts, depression
  • Q8
    A nurse is preparing a care plan for her patient that is diabetic when observing his medications she should include in her interventions;
    to make sure the patient medications don't cause a reaction with glucose
    to make sure the patient can adhere to a medication treatment.
    to speak with the patient about a plan on how to correctly administer their medication by the " show back" method
    call the physician for any adverse effects
  • Q9
    ketoacidosis is common in which type of diabetes
    type 1
    early onset
    type 2
  • Q10
    when a patient has ketoacidosis the nurse should know she needs to:
    patient needs to drink 2 liter a day of water, and monitor the patient very closely
    give the patient fast acting insulin and long acting insulin at night
    plan GOALS that are SMART
    educate the patient upon discharge that this is not something to worry about and is normal in patient who have diabetes
  • Q11
    Diabetic patients should consume foods that are;
    high fiber such as vegetables and whole grains, and low in fat
    have all their meals prepared for them
    high in protein, carbs, and unsaturated fats
    adhere to a diet that is high in sugar
  • Q12
    A patient with neuropathy should maintain foot care by;
    using mild soap, keeping feet dry, cut nails straight, use closed toe shoe and wool socks
    keep feet dry, not inspecting feet
    gain weight, staying in bed and keeping feet elevated above heart level
    cut toe nails on an angle, put lotion to keep feet moist, use sandals
  • Q13
    what is retinopathy
    causes the patient to see only peripherally
    blockage in eye causing cloudy vision
    not enough blood flow to the nerves in eyes
    too much blood flow to nerves of eye
  • Q14
    sign of ketoacidos
    kidney infections, fluid volume loss
    fruity breath, abdominal pain, rapid respirations
    headache, stomach ache, neuropathy
    foul breath smell, back pain, slow deep respirations
  • Q15
    What would you give the patient with Ketoacidosis
    a bolus IV
    insulin fast acting
    pain medication
    insulin slow acting

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