Advanced Airway Management Workshop 1/2019
Quiz by Shairil Rahayu
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15 questions
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- Q1What day is it today?Valentine's DayFridayExam DaySaturday30s
- Q2Who was the person who first created the supraglottic airway device prototype?Dr Archie HandDr Archie AndrewsDr Archie BaskaDr Archie Brain30s
- Q3How many components are there in the placement and performance test for advanced procedures with 2nd generation supraglottic airway device?543230s
- Q4Factors making face mask and tracheal intubation difficult DO NOT usually influence supraglottic airway device insertion.NoYes30s
- Q5A difficult airway can be either due to difficult mask ventilation, difficult supraglottic airway device insertion or difficult laryngoscopy.NoYes30s
- Q6When does the majority of difficult airway management occur?ExtubationReversalInductionMaintanence30s
- Q7Respiratory complications occure 3 times more during extubation compared to induction of anaesthesia.YesNo30s
- Q8The DAS Extubation algorithm consists of 3 steps which are PLAN, PREPARE and PERFORM.NoYes30s
- Q9Visual assessment of the middle column of the airway is a dynamic assessment for extubation.YesNo30s
- Q10SBA : Preoxygenation is best achieved by the following method :15L/min oxygen via non-rebreathing mask for 7 minutes3 minutes of tidal breathing of 100% oxygen with the patient holding the face mask8 vital capacity breaths over 1 minute of 100% oxygen via a tightly fitting face mask10L/min oxygen via Hudson mask for 5 minutes30s
- Q11Which of the following DOES NOT reduce the functional residual capacity :General anaesthesiaOld ageObesityPregnancy30s
- Q12Which of the following is NOT an important innervation of upper airway?Glossopharyngeal nerveRecurrent laryngeal nerveExternal branch of superior laryngeal nerveInternal branch of superior laryngeal nerve30s
- Q13Which one of the following is the advantage of nasal approach fibreoptic intubation?Potential of epistaxisReduces gag reflexWell tolerated by patientLarger ETT is possible30s
- Q14Spray as you go is an important technique in AFOI, which one of this area is not important to perform this technique?Subglottic areaEpiglottisNasal septumVocal cords30s
- Q15Which of the following is the least important landmark for cricothyroidotomy?Hyoid boneThyroid cartilageSuprasternal notchCricoid cartilage30s