Africa Unit 1 Test Review
Quiz by Jason Rowe
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33 questions
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- Q1an extended period of time without rainfallnomadsoasisfaminedrought30s
- Q2a small place where trees are able to grow and where people can live with grazing animals and a few crops.oasisirrigationdroughtfamine30s
- Q3people who move from place to place, looking for water or food.subsistence farmingirrigationnomadsindustry30s
- Q4growing just enough food for the needs of your family.deserificationsubsistence farmingirrigationdeforestation30s
- Q5providing water for crops.famineoasissubsistence farmingirrigation30s
- Q6contamination of water supplies due to chemical, fertilizer, sewage, and other garbage.water pollutiondeforestationfaminedesertification30s
- Q7Climate Zone near the equator with consistent warm temperatures, wet weather, and lush plant growthSavannaTropical Rain ForestSaharaSahel30s
- Q8Country that broke into two countries 9 years ago after a long civil warNigeriaSudanSouth AfricaKenya30s
- Q9The longest river in the worldAmazon RiverNile RiverCongo RiverNIger River30s
- Q10A huge desert located on the southern part of Africa.MojaveSaharaGobiKalahari30s
- Q11largest lake in AfricaLake VictoriaDead SeaLake SuperiorSalt Lake30s
- Q12It is the process where an area that use to have lush vegetation becomes a desert due to drought, deforestation, and other human activitiesDeforestationDesertification30s
- Q13The destruction of trees and other vegetationDeforestationDesertification30s
- Q14Desertification is a problem in this climate zone where vegetation is sparse and trees have been cut down.SavannaSaharaSahelTropical Rain Forest30s
- Q15Growing just enough food for their familiesIndustrializationSubsistance FarmingFamineCrop Sharing30s